Audio and Prompts Discussions

problem with bw
User: Raj
Date: 6/26/2009 9:46 am
Views: 3368
Rating: 7



  I doing speaker adaptation

 When I run bw i get this error

C:\sriven\telugu>bw -hmmdir telugu.cd_cont_1000 -ts2cbfn .cont. -feat ls_c_d_dd

-cmn current -agc none -dictfn telugu.dic -fdictfn telugu.filler -ctlfn telugu_t

rain.fileids -lsnfn telugu_train.transcription -accumdir

INFO: c:\sriven\sphinxtrain-1.0\src\programs\bw\main.c(196): Compiled on Jun 26

2009 at 00:39:10

bw \

-hmmdir telugu.cd_cont_1000 \

-ts2cbfn .cont. \

-feat ls_c_d_dd \

-cmn current \

-agc none \

-dictfn telugu.dic \

-fdictfn telugu.filler \

-ctlfn telugu_train.fileids \

-lsnfn telugu_train.transcription \


ERROR: "c:\sriven\sphinxtrain-1.0\src\libs\libcommon\cmd_ln.c", line 525: Expect

ing 'bw -switch_1 <arg_1> -switch_2 <arg_2> ...'


--- (Edited on 6/26/2009 9:46 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
