Acoustic Model Discussions

Step 7 of
User: yessilkh
Date: 6/7/2008 12:59 am
Views: 6882
Rating: 10


It seems to me, that script make_hmm4 takes too much time to run on Step7 of script, in my case about 10 min.

Trying to debug it, I removed redirection "2> /dev/null" and got a sequence of repeating messages:

bash: [: =: unary operator expected
bash: print_process: command not found

First one - I have no clue.

Second one - probably I'm missing something either in cygwin installation or in scripts set.

Any suggestions ?


Yessil Khassenov


--- (Edited on 6/7/2008 12:59 am [GMT-0500] by yessilkh) ---

Re: Step 7 of
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/7/2008 8:38 am
Views: 231
Rating: 12

Hi Yessil,

>that script make_hmm4 takes too much time to run on Step7 of > script, in my case about 10 min.

The script, as written is not the most efficient way to do things... I have not looked at the code it in a long time.  10 minutes seems long... but this is a function of your computer's processing power and the amount of speech audio your training with. 

For details as to what this section of code is doing, look at Step 7 in the Tutorial.  The Tutorial tries to give an explanation of each of the steps.  And if if you need more detail than that, the HTK manual's tutorial is a good resource (the "steps" in the Voxforge howto and tutorial match those in the HTK book). 

>bash: print_process: command not found

This is not related to Cygwin.  This is likely a print subroutine in the script itself that got removed on an overzealous cleanup of the code.  Does not seem to cause any problems ...


--- (Edited on 6/7/2008 9:38 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: Step 7 of
User: Visitor
Date: 6/13/2008 6:09 am
Views: 1138
Rating: 10


Here is my update of Step 7 fragment of the script:


make_hmm4 () {

 rm -rf ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
 rm -rf ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp2
    while [ `echo ${LINE} | awk '{ print $1 }'` != "" ];
  LINE=`cat -n ./interim_files/hmm4/hmm_sil | grep ^[[:space:]]*${NUM}[[:space:]] | sed s/^[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*//g`
  if [ `echo ${LINE} | awk '{ print $2 }'` = "\"sil\"" ]; then
            while [ `echo ${LINE} | awk '{ print $1 }'` != "<ENDHMM>" ];
                echo ${LINE} >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
                echo ${LINE} >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp2
#    print_process ${NUM}
    let "NUM += 1"
    LINE=`cat -n ./interim_files/hmm4/hmm_sil | grep ^[[:space:]]*${NUM}[[:space:]] | sed s/^[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*//g`
   echo ${LINE} >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1

   while [ ${NUM2} != "28" ];
    LINE2=`cat -n ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp2 | grep ^[[:space:]]*${NUM2}[[:space:]] \
    | sed s/^[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*//g`

      case ${NUM2} in
     1 )
      echo ${LINE2} | sed s/~h\ \"sil\"/~h\ \"sp\"/g >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
     2 )
      echo ${LINE2} >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
     3 )
      echo ${LINE2} | sed s/5/3/g >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
     10 )
      echo ${LINE2} | sed s/3/2/g >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
     11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15)
      echo ${LINE2} >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
     22 )
      echo ${LINE2} | sed s/5/3/g >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
     24 )
      echo "0.000000e+000 1.000000e+000 0.000000e+000" >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
     25 )
      echo "0.000000e+000 0.900000e+000 0.100000e+000" >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
     26 )
      echo "0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000" >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
    let "NUM2 += 1"
  echo ${LINE} >> ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
#  print_process ${NUM}
  let "NUM += 1"
 cat ./interim_files/hmm4/hmm_before_sil ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1 > ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs
 rm -rf ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp1
 rm -rf ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs.tmp2
 rm -rf ./interim_files/hmm4/hmm_before_sil
 rm -rf ./interim_files/hmm4/hmm_sil
 return 0

 for TOKEN in `cat -n ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs `
  if [ "${TOKEN}" = "\"sil\"" ]; then
  if [ "${SWITCH}" = "1" ]; then
   YES=$(echo $TOKEN | grep ^[[:digit:]+])
   if [ "1${YES}1" != "11" ]; then #### supposed to be [ $YES !=  ]; but didn't work ?
 TOKEN=`wc ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs | awk '{ print $1 }'`
 tail -$NUM ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs > ./interim_files/hmm4/hmm_sil
 let NUM=BEGIN-2
 head -$NUM ./interim_files/hmm4/hmmdefs > ./interim_files/hmm4/hmm_before_sil
 return 0


print_heading "Step 7 - Fixing the Silence Model"
 cp ./interim_files/hmm3/. ./interim_files/hmm4 -R
 echo -e 'making hmm4\n'
 make_hmm4 2> /dev/null

Script assumes that sil model is located at the bottom of hmmdefs file. I think it can be modified to be valid for any location inside hmmdefs file.

It works much faster for me - about 30 sec instead of 10 min.







--- (Edited on 6/13/2008 6:09 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: Step 7 of
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/13/2008 7:42 am
Views: 2356
Rating: 10

Hi Yessil,

Wow! thanks for the patch.


--- (Edited on 6/13/2008 8:42 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
