Acoustic Model Discussions

macro.init set to get macro.0 error ??
User: efstr1126
Date: 8/15/2012 2:30 pm
Views: 2401
Rating: 7

please ask everyone !!

i have a question 

when i run macro.init  why can not copy ?


I:\HTK\chineseDigitRecog\chineseDigitRecog\training_1>(@echo MU 3 {*.state[2-4].
mix}) > output\mxup.scp copy /y output\macro.init output\hmm\macro.0 HHEd -H out
put\hmm\macro.0 output\mxup.scp output\digitSyl.mnl
這個時候ä¸Âæ‡‰æœ‰ copy。。  (the error mean :  copy is not show ? )

i run the program to show error !! please help me !! thank you !

--- (Edited on 8/15/2012 2:30 pm [GMT-0500] by efstr1126) ---

--- (Edited on 8/15/2012 2:32 pm [GMT-0500] by efstr1126) ---

i can run , order is not right ,

it is should  copy  first order ~ ^^" i find the slove in the Internet  Smile

--- (Edited on 8/15/2012 4:27 pm [GMT-0500] by efstr1126) ---
