Acoustic Model Discussions

Low Accuracy with IPAD (8 KHZ English Voxforge )
User: shahlashahlu
Date: 10/27/2011 5:57 am
Views: 5338
Rating: 2

Hi All,

i used the English Voxforge Accoustic model from  with my Openears.

It is working excellent with Simulator. However it is not working fine with Ipad device. getting more time to display the detected voice, also it has only 30% Accuracy where simulator had 95-100 % accuracy. I am unable to find out the issue. may i know any valuable suggestions from your side


I have done the below process:

1.Downloaded voxforge-en-r0_1_3.tar.gz and extracted.

2.copied voxforge_en_sphinx.cd_cont_3000 folder and pasted it in my Openears Library Folder(/Users/mac01/dev/OpenEars/CMULibraries/pocketsphinx-0.6.1/model/hmm/en_US)


3.Renamed the folder as hub4wsj_sc_8k

4.Cleaned all targets and Built Openears Project file.

Any answer on this question is appreciated.



--- (Edited on 10/27/2011 7:01 am [GMT-0500] by shahlashahlu) ---

Re: Low Accuracy with IPAD (8 KHZ English Voxforge )
User: nsh
Date: 10/29/2011 11:32 am
Views: 2149
Rating: 2

This issue is already discussed in CMUSphinx forum

--- (Edited on 10/29/2011 20:32 [GMT+0400] by nsh) ---
