Hebrew Speech Files

??Sending text to speakers + talking head.
User: eyal
Date: 3/23/2008 5:49 pm
Views: 5308
Rating: 22

General description:
I'll describe the steps of sending text to speakers (the speakers would be the stdout) + talking head.

I'd like to save the open source comunity time so I'll describe all steps.
To implement FREETTS (http://freetts.sourceforge.net/docs/index.php) the follow steps would be nesessary:

My envoronment:
    (standard hardware) Cyrex 2GH, 1GB ram OS. Linux Ubuntu 7.1
1) Necessary Installed compononets: Java JDK1.6(+), Java IDE Eclipse  3.2+.
2) The freetts-1.2-bin should be install. (You have to be aware just ver freetts-1.2 is tested!).
3) execute the jsapi file (FreeTTs/lib/jsapi)
4) add FreeTTs jar files as external file to the java build path (Eclipse IDE -> Package Explorer -> FreeTTs -> properties -> java build path -> libraries -> Add External JARs -> FreeTTs/lib/All JAR Files).
5) copy speech.properties file (from FreeTTs root) to your installed Java JDK/jre/lib
6) unzip files (FreeTTs.zip & dukeSpeaks?.zip) to your eclipse workspace.
7) Eclipse IDE -> Project -> Clean -> Clean all projects -> OK)
8) Eclipse IDE -> File -> Refresh
9) if you already complite paragraphs 3 to 8, you should run the aplication (by Eclipse IDE -> Package Explorer -> FreeTTs -> run  -> run as -> name  -> what ever . .  ->  main class -> HelloWorld -> Apply -> Run)
10) The speakers should say "Hello World". if so, continue . . .
11) Add to dukeSpeaks project all FreeTTs jar files as external file to the java build path (Eclipse IDE -> Package Explorer -> FreeTTs -> properties -> java build path -> libraries -> Add External JARs -> FreeTTs/lib/All JAR Files like as paragraphs 4).
12) Appand to dukeSpeaks project, project FreeTTs (Eclipse IDE -> Package Explorer -> dukeSpeaks -> properties -> java build path -> Project -> Add -> FreeTTs Project).
13) if you already complite paragraphs 11, 12 you should run the aplication (by Eclipse IDE -> Package Explorer -> dukeSpeaks -> run  -> run as -> name  -> what ever . .  ->  main class -> com.bdaum.dukeSpeaks.Player -> Apply -> Run)

ps. The code is free to any kind of usage.

I hope the explenation help and save time.

Good luck

EyalUpdatecode.zip EyalUpdatecode.zip