Date: 4/1/2016 3:22 pm
Views: 1985
Rating: 0
User Name:rortiz
Speaker Characteristics:
Gender: Male
Age Range: Adult
Language: EN
Pronunciation dialect: American English
Recording Information:
Microphone make: n/a
Microphone type: USB Headset mic
Audio card make: unknown
Audio card type: unknown
Audio Recording Software: VoxForge Speech Submission Application
File Info:
File type: wav
Sampling Rate: 48000
Sample rate format: 16
Number of channels: 1
e0191 I am sure everything can be worked out. Let me talk to him and get back to you.
e0192 Dan, what is the status of this deal? I hadn't heard anything for a few days, and I knew we were on a tight time frame.
e0193 It would be most helpful if you give me a range of available dates for both preparation and the deposition itself.
e0194 Thanks for the info. I just need simple, basic frames. No decorations or anything.
e0195 That way, they can go anywhere, and aren't specific to a decor, theme, time of year, etc.
e0196 Tell him to chill out -- his client's deposition has been scheduled and rescheduled too many times to count.
e0197 Thanks for trying to call. I am not surprised by this outcome. I guess we're bargaining!
e0198 As I mentioned in my voice mail, here is a bullet point synopsis of my accomplishments for the second half of 2000.
e0199 They must be hurting for business -- but I thought you might want to take a look at their site.
e0200 what do you think? I suggest that we let them handle that, but defer to your opinion.
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--- (Edited on 4/1/2016 3:22 pm [GMT-0500] by speechsubmission) ---