English Speech Files

User: robertburrelldonkin
Date: 10/7/2007 5:18 am
Views: 1090
Rating: 8

Speaker Characteristics:

Gender: [male];
Age range: [adult];
Pronunciation dialect: [English English].

Recording Information:

Microphone: [Sennheiser ME3];
Audio Card: [VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)];
Audio Recording Software: [Audacity 1.3.2-beta (ANSI)];
O/S: [Linux].

File Info:

File type: [wav];
Sampling rate: [48kHz];
Sample rate format: [16bit];
Number of channels: [1];
Audio Processing: [n].

vf22-01 And he did hurt my arm
vf22-02 Saxon's onto her job
vf22-03 Only once did I confide the strangeness of it all to another
vf22-04 But this time it was Saxon who rebelled
vf22-05 I was not to cry out in the face of fear
vf22-06 And now put yourself in my place for a moment
vf22-07 The boy threw back his head with pride
vf22-08 Saxon nodded, and the boy frowned
vf22-09 Why not like any railroad station or ferry depot
vf22-10 We could throw stones with our feet
vf22-11 It was put together in a casual, helter-skelter sort of way
vf22-12 These were merely stout sticks an inch or so in diameter
vf22-13 Then it was that a strange thing happened
vf22-14 From the source of light a harsh voice said
vf22-15 But I did not enjoy it long
vf22-16 We were now good friends
vf22-17 Two of the Folk were already up
vf22-18 Now animals do not like mockery
vf22-19 He gave one last snarl and slid from view among the trees
vf22-20 Again the girls applauded, and Mrs Hall cried
vf22-21 Just the same I'd sooner be myself than have book indigestion
vf22-22 Some of the smaller veins had doubtless been ruptured
vf22-23 But we were without this momentum
vf22-24 There was one difficulty, however
vf22-25 The hyena proceeded to dine
vf22-26 The time was considered auspicious
vf22-27 Or have they already devised one
vf22-28 We would not spend another such night
vf22-29 At first his progress was slow and erratic
vf22-30 He placed his paw on one, and its movements were accelerated
vf22-31 The awe of man rushed over him again
vf22-32 The Fire-Men wore animal skins around their waists and across
their shoulders
vf22-33 Between him and all domestic animals there must be no
vf22-34 For a much longer time Lop-Ear and I remained and watched
vf22-35 All right, Sir, replied Jock with great regret
vf22-36 At times I wondered where Sir Archibald got his style
vf22-37 Why should a fellow throw up the sponge after the first round
vf22-38 His hand shot out and clutched Crooked-Leg by the neck
vf22-39 Miss Brodie's smile was slightly sarcastic
vf22-40 Does the old boy often go off at half-cock that way

Copyright (C) 2007 Robert Burrell Donkin

These files are free software; you can redistribute them and/or
modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

These files are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


--- (Edited on 10/7/2007 11:18 am [GMT+0100] by robertburrelldonkin) ---

robertburrelldonkin-20071007-vf22.tar.gz robertburrelldonkin-20071007-vf22.tar.gz

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
