English Speech Files

User: ralfherzog
Date: 10/7/2007 12:44 am
Views: 1686
Rating: 9

Speaker Characteristics:

Gender: male;
Age range: adult;
Pronunciation dialect: General American English.

Recording Information:

Microphone make: Sennheiser PC 131;
Microphone type: noise canceling headset;
Audio card make: Andrea USB adapter;
Audio card type: USB;
Audio Recording Software: Audacity 1.2.6;
O/S: Windows XP Professional.

File Info:

File type: FLAC;
Sampling rate: 48kHz;
Sample rate format: 16bit;
Number of channels: 1;
Audio Processing: no

en11-001 He should have been more careful.
en11-002 When does his suffer ending?
en11-003 She doesn't know anything about him.
en11-004 Is she holding out on her?
en11-005 That is a mistake.
en11-006 They may need him as a bargaining chip.
en11-007 They have to assume the worst.
en11-008 She just wanted to tell him how much she admires him.
en11-009 That is a good idea.
en11-010 He and his family must be so happy.
en11-011 She is glad he likes it.
en11-012 She is just going through it one last time.
en11-013 They will know by the end of the day.
en11-014 He is just doing his job.
en11-015 He thought she were being debriefed.
en11-016 They have to get out of this hallway.
en11-017 Any details will help them.
en11-018 She is in a situation where she needs our support.
en11-019 Enjoy the rest of the evening.
en11-020 Then he has nothing to worry about.
en11-021 The building was empty when he entered.
en11-022 This woman will be standing right next to you.
en11-023 And now he doesn't trust her anymore.
en11-024 She always knows what you want.
en11-025 She is an amazing woman.
en11-026 She wanted to protect her family.
en11-027 They choose not to switch the light on.
en11-028 Alternatives are separated by a vertical bar.
en11-029 The following syntax is described using an extended notation.
en11-030 Pipelining can dramatically reduce the number of packets.
en11-031 Servers are not required to pipeline responses.
en11-032 This situation is denoted as follows.
en11-033 The inner product of those vectors is zero.
en11-034 Orthogonal is used when discussing coordinate geometry or vectors.
en11-035 The streets are orthogonal to one another.
en11-036 This is a generalization of perpendicular.
en11-037 It is not part of a longer phrase.
en11-038 It is not always the smallest possible choice.
en11-039 They are important constituents of many products.
en11-040 It is truly an incredible system.
en11-041 This is a program to restore physical fitness.
en11-042 It is the job of the theory of rationality.
en11-043 Those diagrams exist if and only if it is a prime number.
en11-044 There are several variants of the algorithm with slightly modified definitions.
en11-045 It denotes the set of real numbers.
en11-046 They are representing higher numbers of sets.
en11-047 Those diagrams typically have three sets.
en11-048 It is produced by mixing.
en11-049 It is made of the mixture of two metals.
en11-050 It is a mixture of two or more substances.
en11-051 They are trying to find the solution.
en11-052 This is a solution to the problem.
en11-053 Issue is an instance of giving out.
en11-054 The compositing software can take the green or blue color at the edges.
en11-055 They are being switched to full screen display.
en11-056 Those sets are also used in motion pictures.
en11-057 Trying to fix the problem myself was something of a mistake.
en11-058 We know something about those persons in this area.
en11-059 The book contains ontological speculation.
en11-060 Many cultures asked questions about logic.
en11-061 They have employed intricate systems of reasoning.
en11-062 The backgrounds are replaced with entire virtual sets.
en11-063 This is done by mechanical shutters.
en11-064 The back light shines on the subject.
en11-065 It is usually less bright and softer than the light.
en11-066 There are several main properties or qualities of interest.
en11-067 They are also referred to as work lights.
en11-068 She couldn't tell him not after everything he has been through.
en11-069 I don't believe this.
en11-070 He will tell her exactly what he will do.
en11-071 He will call her right back.
en11-072 They are doing everything they can to bring him back.
en11-073 She has got him on the line.
en11-074 She will try to get to his room.
en11-075 He is being held hostage.
en11-076 She knows he will get out of this.
en11-077 The background light is of lower intensity.
en11-078 It is placed directly behind the subject.
en11-079 You may submit your speech to the project.
en11-080 The photographer can use a reflector.
en11-081 This is what they have to do.
en11-082 He would like to find out about that.
en11-083 He ran a negative campaign against his opponent.
en11-084 They have had a rough day.
en11-085 He said you wanted to see her.
en11-086 He needs a copy of the security tape.
en11-087 Does he know where her daughter is?
en11-088 They have to get you out of here.
en11-089 She is the only one who is in contact with him.
en11-090 She has to talk to the press.
en11-091 They don't have to trust anyone.
en11-092 He has an offer to make.
en11-093 How are they going to do this?
en11-094 Maybe she can get to this place.
en11-095 She is trying to escape.
en11-096 They won't let us help them.
en11-097 They will have a new plan in place within the next day.
en11-098 There is something she has to tell him.
en11-099 She doesn't think she can take much more of this.
en11-100 Soon he is going to be with you.
en11-101 Let me speak to her.
en11-102 Why is he doing this to them?
en11-103 They are going to do this now.
en11-104 She thinks it is because he wants something else.
en11-105 They don't know where she is.
en11-106 They are in the conference room.
en11-107 She needs his help.
en11-108 Do you think they will deal with him?
en11-109 Who has access to the archives?
en11-110 She is willing to accept it.
en11-111 He wouldn't say that.
en11-112 What do they want him to do?
en11-113 Maybe they need to take a break from each other.
en11-114 She wasn't talking about you.
en11-115 He doesn't want to see her again.
en11-116 She has lost touch what it is to be a friend.
en11-117 He feels sorry for her.
en11-118 Many tools require a complete model set.
en11-119 He is the person to whom an obligation exists.
en11-120 The creditor is the person to whom money is owed.
en11-121 It occurs as various minerals as well as a free metal.
en11-122 It has the highest electrical conductivity for a metal.
en11-123 He is just so sentimental.
en11-124 He doesn't know what is going on.
en11-125 He was surprised she was having an affair.
en11-126 There was no loyalty and no respect.
en11-127 He had no choice but to fire her.
en11-128 She asked him not to raise his voice.
en11-129 Maybe they should find out.
en11-130 She hopes he is happy.
en11-131 She is trying to find a way home.
en11-132 They don't need to talk to him.
en11-133 Sterling silver has a lower melting point.
en11-134 Those metals have a very high optical reflectivity.
en11-135 Pure silver has a very high thermal conductivity.
en11-136 The actual benefits of its use are questionable.
en11-137 It is widely used for electrical purposes.
en11-138 Its greater cost has prevented it from being widely used.
en11-139 The metal has a brilliant luster.
en11-140 Silver is a malleable and very ductile coinage metal.
en11-141 The solution is the process of solving a problem.
en11-142 The element is also used to catalyze chemical reactions.

Copyright (C) 2007  Ralf Herzog

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 

--- (Edited on 10/7/2007 12:44 am [GMT-0500] by ralfherzog) ---

ralfherzog-20071007-en11.zip ralfherzog-20071007-en11.zip

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

Re: ralfherzog-20071007-en11
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/8/2007 9:33 am
Views: 232
Rating: 9

Hi Ralf,

thanks for your submission!


--- (Edited on 10/8/2007 10:33 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
