English Speech Files

User: ralfherzog
Date: 9/25/2007 8:41 am
Views: 1902
Rating: 9

Speaker Characteristics:

Gender: male;
Age range: adult;
Pronunciation dialect: General American English.

Recording Information:

Microphone make: Sennheiser PC 131;
Microphone type: noise canceling headset;
Audio card make: Andrea USB adapter;
Audio card type: USB;
Audio Recording Software: Audacity 1.2.6;
O/S: Windows XP Professional.

File Info:

File type: FLAC;
Sampling rate: 48kHz;
Sample rate format: 16bit;
Number of channels: 1;
Audio Processing: no

en9-001 She has been to some horrible places.
en9-002 He used to be in the military.
en9-003 As soon as he gets his car.
en9-004 She wishes it were that simple.
en9-005 He wants to talk to her.
en9-006 Does she have any idea why he would do that?
en9-007 Why would he do that?
en9-008 Is he ready to go?
en9-009 She is going to be cleared.
en9-010 He didn't tell the press about it.
en9-011 Where did she go?
en9-012 It will look like he is introducing her.
en9-013 She is not going to tell him.
en9-014 They are going to be a family again.
en9-015 They are going to get through this.
en9-016 She is telling him that something is going on.
en9-017 But they haven't found her yet.
en9-018 She will be watching him.
en9-019 He will call her as soon as he can.
en9-020 And if she wanted his help, she would have asked for it.
en9-021 They have to deal with it and get past it.
en9-022 It is a huge story.
en9-023 Should they send someone after him?
en9-024 She is a little worried about him.
en9-025 Why does he have her here?
en9-026 She doesn't believe him.
en9-027 He can't do that.
en9-028 What does he want her to do?
en9-029 She wants immunity.
en9-030 He doesn't have the power to do that.
en9-031 He will get her out of this.
en9-032 He knows that they don't understand what she is going through.
en9-033 He is listening. Put him on the phone.
en9-034 He is not cooperating.
en9-035 What else is she giving him?
en9-036 He doesn't know what kind of pressure she is under.
en9-037 How much are they paying her?
en9-038 How could she do this?
en9-039 They have someone in custody.
en9-040 What kind of trouble is he in?
en9-041 Are they really in trouble?
en9-042 He was just following orders.
en9-043 And he wants her to pick it up?
en9-044 She is in big trouble.
en9-045 Take a couple of seconds.
en9-046 She needs time to think.
en9-047 He needs him to do something for him.
en9-048 She can still see the subject.
en9-049 She is listening.  Does he hear her?
en9-050 She can't promise him anything.
en9-051 He is making a mistake.
en9-052 That bought them time and they should use it.
en9-053 What does he want from them?
en9-054 They should start the other line.
en9-055 They need medical help.
en9-056 She is not saying anything until she gets immunity.
en9-057 Where did she get that?
en9-058 He won't fight her.
en9-059 The diagram shows a particular architecture.
en9-060 The control system decodes the instructions.
en9-061 This depends on the type of the CPU.
en9-062 The computer changed the order of some instructions to improve the performance.
en9-063 They aren't composed of many separate components.
en9-064 It is known as the central processing unit.
en9-065 Programs make computers extremely versatile.
en9-066 You can distinguish calculators from computers.
en9-067 They are able to execute and store lists of instructions.
en9-068 They may be found in digital cameras and industrial robots.
en9-069 Computers are often used to control several devices.
en9-070 Those are small and simple devices.
en9-071 The embedded computer is the most common form.
en9-072 Personal computers are the icons of the information age.
en9-073 They are occupying a fraction of the space.
en9-074 They are based on tiny integrated circuits.
en9-075 Those computers had the size of a large room.
en9-076 A computer manipulates data.
en9-077 There are several common definitions.
en9-078 There is some confusion with this concept.
en9-079 There is a right way to do things.
en9-080 She isn't sure she believes him.
en9-081 She doesn't know where he is.
en9-082 She wanted to see her.
en9-083 He needs to talk to her.
en9-084 What was that about?
en9-085 This is kind of a good time.
en9-086 Would you excuse me for a second?
en9-087 She said it was urgent.
en9-088 And he is going to prove it.  Tell him that.
en9-089 Would you give him a message for me?
en9-090 Hold on a minute. They will talk later.
en9-091 She knows most of them have been up more than three hours.
en9-092 What does that tell them?
en9-093 She just wants them to be together again.
en9-094 But it didn't work.
en9-095 She did everything she could to keep it from him.
en9-096 She was distant and preoccupied.
en9-097 She is sure it was a mission.
en9-098 Tell her what happened between them.
en9-099 It is a little better.
en9-100 He is going to be here in a few minutes.
en9-101 She didn't waste any time, did she?
en9-102 How much longer is she going to be in her office?
en9-103 Patch him through to her office.
en9-104 It looks like they have the right couple.
en9-105 She has to take it.  Send it to her.
en9-106 He is surprised she waited this long.
en9-107 Things continue to go wrong.
en9-108 This would be intolerable.
en9-109 They had some bad luck.  That is all.
en9-110 She helps him navigate through traffic.
en9-111 They should have more in a few minutes.
en9-112 He found something on her computer.
en9-113 He doesn't believe this.
en9-114 That is not good enough.
en9-115 They have located his car.
en9-116 They didn't get it.
en9-117 Who did she call?
en9-118 They should stay on the phone.
en9-119 He is going to be right back.
en9-120 He is coming to get them.
en9-121 They are going to get through this like family.
en9-122 He knows he hasn't always been there for them.
en9-123 She is tracing the call right now.
en9-124 He is going to find her.
en9-125 Don't worry.  They are making good progress.
en9-126 He got it narrowed down.
en9-127 Is he all right?
en9-128 He is heading your way.
en9-129 She has to hold on.
en9-130 Is there anything she can tell them?
en9-131 They are closing in on it.
en9-132 They are useful for creating complicated conditional statements.
en9-133 The computer is capable of performing several classes of operations.
en9-134 There are some more complex CPU designs.
en9-135 The hardware is performing the requested operation.
en9-136 The instruction requires a specialized hardware to complete.
en9-137 The data is typically stored within the instruction code.
en9-138 It is pointing to the next instruction.
en9-139 Decode the numerical code into a set of commands.
en9-140 The computer is reading the code for the next instruction.
en9-141 Where is he going today?
en9-142 They are waiting in front of the elevator.
en9-143 She is running very fast.
en9-144 It is probably a false alarm.
en9-145 She didn't give her name.
en9-146 They have got other things to deal with.
en9-147 He needs to know if she has talked to him.
en9-148 It has been wonderful meeting her.
en9-149 They went to the same elementary school.
en9-150 They have to be strong.
en9-151 It looks like he is getting ready to leave.
en9-152 They are going to see her friend.
en9-153 Is she threatening him?
en9-154 Just don't pay any attention to her.
en9-155 He got a very disturbing call.
en9-156 What kind of man is he?
en9-157 He told her everything he knows.
en9-158 If he cooperates with her now, she might be able to help him.
en9-159 She just could have used a few more minutes.
en9-160 She was reviewing the report.
en9-161 We can do better than that.
en9-162 They are tracing the call.
en9-163 Her father will find us.
en9-164 I will get back to him as soon as I can.
en9-165 He thinks she won't be easy to break.
en9-166 She has seen better.
en9-167 He is a very good liar.
en9-168 He doesn't know what she is talking about.
en9-169 This is his last chance.
en9-170 I will put you through to him.
en9-171 Meet him as soon as possible.
en9-172 They are going to find them.
en9-173 She doesn't want any overlap.
en9-174 Have a nice day.
en9-175 She is going to find out.

Copyright (C) 2007  Ralf Herzog

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 

--- (Edited on 9/25/2007 8:41 am [GMT-0500] by ralfherzog) ---

ralfherzog-20070924-en9.zip ralfherzog-20070924-en9.zip

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

Re: ralfherzog-20070924-en9
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/27/2007 11:35 am
Views: 261
Rating: 10

Hi Ralf,

thanks again for your submission!


--- (Edited on 9/27/2007 12:35 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
