English Speech Files

User: ralfherzog
Date: 9/23/2007 6:48 pm
Views: 2328
Rating: 8

Speaker Characteristics:

Gender: male;
Age range: adult;
Pronunciation dialect: General American English.

Recording Information:

Microphone make: Sennheiser PC 131;
Microphone type: noise canceling headset;
Audio card make: Andrea USB adapter;
Audio card type: USB;
Audio Recording Software: Audacity 1.2.6;
O/S: Windows XP Professional.

File Info:

File type: FLAC;
Sampling rate: 48kHz;
Sample rate format: 16bit;
Number of channels: 1;
Audio Processing: no

en8-001 She knows that he is not really there.
en8-002 Why don't you tell us what happened?
en8-003 They need him to introduce himself.
en8-004 Do they have any other new people today?
en8-005 That is all he has to say?
en8-006 What do you think?  What does she think?
en8-007 Don't get me wrong.
en8-008 He has been kind of missing her.
en8-009 She was on her feet all day.
en8-010 But she is glad they did it.
en8-011 But it was just a dream.
en8-012 What does she have to say?
en8-013 They need to talk about it.
en8-014 She wasn't ashamed of having it.
en8-015 What are they trying to accomplish?
en8-016 He is a little jammed right now.
en8-017 Why is she here?
en8-018 She thinks he worked there.
en8-019 She took the drug, didn't she?
en8-020 She didn't need to know that either.
en8-021 She is looking forward to walking home.
en8-022 She is less afraid of being alone.
en8-023 She doesn't need chemicals.
en8-024 She tried to be sweet.
en8-025 She doesn't know the first thing about that.
en8-026 It is not that simple.
en8-027 It saved me a lot of trouble.
en8-028 He shouldn't apologize for it.
en8-029 He is not going to the next meeting.
en8-030 It could last his lifetime.
en8-031 Who is waiting for the Prozac?
en8-032 She is going to miss him.
en8-033 She has to go to the drugstore.
en8-034 She has music in her life with them.
en8-035 She doesn't hear it.
en8-036 She just wants to look into the damn mirror.
en8-037 She is about to make a big decision.
en8-038 You are here because you don't respect them.
en8-039 This is used in the creation of titles.
en8-040 It has been the ultimate for over twenty years.
en8-041 The company produces the equipment.
en8-042 We can set up the hardware in the control room.
en8-043 He is just sick of it.
en8-044 He knows this sounds terrible.
en8-045 He has been denying that he is old-fashioned.
en8-046 He is really angry at himself.
en8-047 Let's work on it.
en8-048 She doesn't know what is going on.
en8-049 Please don't take it personally.
en8-050 He talks about it all the time.
en8-051 She is making a big mistake.
en8-052 She doesn't know anything about it.
en8-053 Why does he always do what she tells him?
en8-054 She said he wanted to see me.
en8-055 What about his family?
en8-056 She can't help him out.
en8-057 Where did she go?  She doesn't know.
en8-058 She can't believe he was involved in that.
en8-059 He thought it was something serious.
en8-060 He just needed to get away from it.
en8-061 He knows she is upset.
en8-062 He doesn't know the answers.
en8-063 Why is he here?
en8-064 She can help him.
en8-065 Maybe he can find those people.
en8-066 He has made mistakes.
en8-067 He can't do this anymore.
en8-068 She was just checking.
en8-069 All she said is that she can't be with him.
en8-070 She thinks it is his fault.
en8-071 He is upset about something.
en8-072 This is why she is against honesty.
en8-073 She wants him to stop.
en8-074 She hates the new man.
en8-075 He is losing his mind.
en8-076 She shouldn't be driving.
en8-077 He is ignoring protocol again.
en8-078 He is meeting her at the hospital.
en8-079 He is digging up old history.
en8-080 He has just been promoted.
en8-081 He apologizes if he was wrong.
en8-082 How much time does she need?
en8-083 He is not going to answer this.
en8-084 He doesn't think she has a right to ask him that.
en8-085 They are talking about a rumor.
en8-086 Then why is she doing this?
en8-087 Has he ever lied to her?
en8-088 They made a journey together.
en8-089 How long have they known each other?
en8-090 Whether he likes it or not, they have to be involved.
en8-091 So what is he planning?
en8-092 She says she will talk to anybody except you.
en8-093 He will call her as soon as he can.
en8-094 We don't know anything about her.
en8-095 She will see him in 10 minutes.
en8-096 He knows how to play this.
en8-097 Where is the suspect?
en8-098 She needs to see this man now.
en8-099 Does he have the number?
en8-100 There is nothing to worry about.
en8-101 They are going to get through this.
en8-102 How does she know his name?
en8-103 He is not allowed to do that.
en8-104 He has to get down.
en8-105 This is a different approach.
en8-106 She doesn't want to go away.
en8-107 This is his decision to make.
en8-108 She will call him back.
en8-109 She has to move away.
en8-110 Where does he want her to go?
en8-111 He has to get out of the car.
en8-112 He won't need his phone anymore.
en8-113 Where is he going?
en8-114 He is still watching him.
en8-115 What does he want her to do?
en8-116 What does that say about him?
en8-117 Call him as soon as you got something.
en8-118 He is running for president.
en8-119 He promises her they are going to get him.
en8-120 They took him for a reason.
en8-121 What do they want from him?
en8-122 He knows this is all happening because of him.
en8-123 Call him back as soon as you got anything.
en8-124 She doesn't know what he is doing.
en8-125 She doesn't have to apologize for him.
en8-126 They have got to take care of this now.
en8-127 He can be as angry as he wants.
en8-128 He thought they were working together.
en8-129 They were protecting him.
en8-130 Why did he get this from her?
en8-131 He must be Jack.
en8-132 He promises he won't.
en8-133 He is able to find a way to get them out of here.
en8-134 He took him at his word.
en8-135 They are still at the hospital.
en8-136 It is already open and he is listening.
en8-137 Tell me what happened.
en8-138 That could only have been him.
en8-139 She has got to get ready, and so does he.
en8-140 They obviously don't trust him.
en8-141 Don't ever lie to me.
en8-142 When she needs his help she will ask for it.
en8-143 How long has she known this?
en8-144 What happened to her?  She is OK.
en8-145 He brought her some breakfast.
en8-146 She looks forward to working with him.
en8-147 He has to get through security.
en8-148 What does he need?
en8-149 And they are going to get through this.
en8-150 That is what he thought.
en8-151 She doesn't know where she is.
en8-152 She will never forgive him if something bad happens to her son.
en8-153 What is he going to say?
en8-154 Today is going to be the longest day of his life.
en8-155 What is he going to do?
en8-156 She doesn't understand.  Why is he doing this?
en8-157 She is not authorized to do that.
en8-158 Did anyone see him?
en8-159 He will catch up with her.
en8-160 He has to think about it.
en8-161 He left her no choice.
en8-162 She is still in her room.
en8-163 Tell him to hurry.
en8-164 She is about a mile east from here.
en8-165 Did she call the police?
en8-166 She thought something might have happened to him.
en8-167 Where is he taking her?
en8-168 He is going out of the building.
en8-169 What is she talking about?
en8-170 They have to get out of here.
en8-171 Tell him that you are going to the breakfast.
en8-172 He doesn't think that is going to help.
en8-173 He is not going anywhere.
en8-174 Just get him the name.
en8-175 She started to let herself believe that it never happened.
en8-176 She was hoping it was over.

Copyright (C) 2007  Ralf Herzog

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 

--- (Edited on 9/23/2007 6:48 pm [GMT-0500] by ralfherzog) ---

ralfherzog-20070923-en8.zip ralfherzog-20070923-en8.zip

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

Re: ralfherzog-20070923-en8
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/24/2007 9:53 pm
Views: 258
Rating: 9

Hi Ralf,

thanks for your submission!


--- (Edited on 9/24/2007 10:53 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
