English Speech Files

User: ralfherzog
Date: 9/18/2007 8:54 pm
Views: 1919
Rating: 8

Speaker Characteristics:

Gender: male;
Age range: adult;
Pronunciation dialect: General American English.

Recording Information:

Microphone make: Sennheiser PC 131;
Microphone type: noise canceling headset;
Audio card make: Andrea USB adapter;
Audio card type: USB;
Audio Recording Software: Audacity 1.2.6;
O/S: Windows XP Professional.

File Info:

File type: FLAC;
Sampling rate: 48kHz;
Sample rate format: 16bit;
Number of channels: 1;
Audio Processing: no

en7-001 The first terms are calculated from the formula.
en7-002 A window of speech samples is given.
en7-003 You have to set the configuration parameter.
en7-004 Proper byte order can be ensured.
en7-005 The program will make an assumption.
en7-006 The source format is known.
en7-007 This is the case for most databases.
en7-008 The module can perform automatic byte swapping.
en7-009 It is written inside the state's circle.
en7-010 This is a finite collection of output symbols.
en7-011 The input is near the originating state.
en7-012 The directed graph has the following elements.
en7-013 The state diagrams differ slightly.
en7-014 The state is transmitted to an observer.
en7-015 The state is the complete set of properties.
en7-016 The initial state is unknown.
en7-017 This causes different output sequences.
en7-018 They have at least one input sequence.
en7-019 It produces the same output sequence.
en7-020 They should have the same successor.
en7-021 Both states must have the same output.
en7-022 Now restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
en7-023 We have to add the following three lines.
en7-024 We need to tell the program where to find it.
en7-025 You have to extract the PHP package.
en7-026 He wants to change the configuration.
en7-027 It is just a plain text file so you can use Notepad.
en7-028 You should see something like this.
en7-029 Your installation was successful.
en7-030 Those are the next predicted words.
en7-031 You should prepare an acoustic model.
en7-032 The acoustic model is prepared for the target language.
en7-033 It can be used to build a voice command system.
en7-034 More may be shown on a subsequent page.
en7-035 They are staying away from the magic.
en7-036 He has got no more to tell.
en7-037 It has been a long night for everyone.
en7-038 The sequence of the events was a little different.
en7-039 What do you want? Is she happy now?
en7-040 He didn't ask for this.
en7-041 It sounds kind of like my mother.
en7-042 He is from the chess club.
en7-043 He has to go away from here.
en7-044 He doesn't want to hurt anyone.
en7-045 They have a different theory.
en7-046 He will search the rooms.
en7-047 Let's not give up hope.
en7-048 He is almost finished.
en7-049 She wants to be invisible.
en7-050 He doesn't care what she says to him.
en7-051 There is like a million rooms.
en7-052 He feels cold inside.
en7-053 It is like something different.
en7-054 How much was it?
en7-055 He cried and swung the club wildly.
en7-056 From now on, we are friends.
en7-057 There couldn't be any mistakes.
en7-058 Can I speak to her for one second?
en7-059 They are trying to get through this.
en7-060 She really doesn't want to talk about it.
en7-061 That part she doesn't know.
en7-062 Does she think that was easy for her?
en7-063 He wants to regulate her thoughts.
en7-064 He needs to talk to her in private.
en7-065 She has never seen him before.
en7-066 They are going to take a very short break.
en7-067 They won't be honoring that tradition.
en7-068 A tickle in her throat.
en7-069 Why are they here?
en7-070 And she cannot say no.
en7-071 She sees him as the father of her children.
en7-072 He can't do the ceremony.
en7-073 The business of law is about getting clients.
en7-074 He looks in the mirror.
en7-075 He is not even sure he knows what this is.
en7-076 He called her from his hotel room.
en7-077 What is his problem?
en7-078 She told him that in confidence.
en7-079 They will go see him this afternoon.
en7-080 Can she imagine the emotional distress?
en7-081 She could pick any law firm in Boston.
en7-082 What are your thoughts?
en7-083 She is about to settle down for the rest of her life.
en7-084 He saw her with somebody else.
en7-085 She understands that there is a problem.
en7-086 She thanked him for being so concerned about her feelings.
en7-087 She is having a small dinner party next week.
en7-088 It was that other word.
en7-089 She knows that she should feel guilt.
en7-090 And they don't say a word.
en7-091 He is in the car with her.
en7-092 Maybe they were waiting to meet each other.
en7-093 She didn't even smile at him.
en7-094 What is wrong?  It is the new look.
en7-095 She thought he was going to the game.
en7-096 That was never supposed to happen.
en7-097 Does he really think she is safe with him?
en7-098 They are just getting started.
en7-099 It is a different problem.
en7-100 He knows that area.
en7-101 He has got to stop it.
en7-102 Stay away from the window.
en7-103 That man would do anything for her.
en7-104 Why doesn't she call him?
en7-105 She can pay for the next one.
en7-106 What the hell is it?
en7-107 She doesn't see anything.
en7-108 She is never going to figure this out.
en7-109 The answers are in these pages.
en7-110 He figures out what this means.
en7-111 They don't stop what is coming.
en7-112 They will get back to him.
en7-113 She has been here before.
en7-114 What is your place in this world?
en7-115 That is why he is coming.
en7-116 He has been working on it.
en7-117 She is important to him.
en7-118 She is going to face it by herself.
en7-119 His dad is an expert.
en7-120 She is standing around.
en7-121 It is up to her.
en7-122 That is the way it goes.
en7-123 Maybe they can help each other.
en7-124 How did he get in here?
en7-125 He is guessing this isn't a good sign.
en7-126 He has to close the door.
en7-127 He got what he deserved.
en7-128 That sounds horrible.
en7-129 He doesn't know where she is.
en7-130 But she can't be with him.
en7-131 He never tried to hide who he was.
en7-132 He is just worried about her.
en7-133 He should talk to her.
en7-134 She is staying with him now.
en7-135 Maybe they should get some help.
en7-136 It is good to know what he is using.
en7-137 They will send someone out.
en7-138 Is she having a meaningful conversation?
en7-139 The door won't open.
en7-140 Maybe they should have brought a priest.
en7-141 He is not saying tomorrow.
en7-142 She is seeing this in her dreams.
en7-143 Why can't you tell him?
en7-144 She is safe with him.
en7-145 She doesn't know.  She can't remember.
en7-146 What is she watching?
en7-147 He thought she might be hungry.
en7-148 They are giving her a little space.
en7-149 They need to give her time.
en7-150 It is too soon.
en7-151 What he saw was jumbled.
en7-152 Why should he go to an office every day?
en7-153 What has happened to them?
en7-154 So he just left after dinner?
en7-155 What has she missed?
en7-156 She has something for her client.
en7-157 Why is he here?
en7-158 She just walked out of the room.
en7-159 She had a great time last night.
en7-160 What is the matter?
en7-161 She will get her coat.
en7-162 She hasn't seen him all day.
en7-163 She is too good for him.
en7-164 I will see you tomorrow.
en7-165 Did he tell you that?
en7-166 What was that about?
en7-167 Where do you draw the line?
en7-168 How can you prevent that?
en7-169 She thinks there is something wrong with her.
en7-170 That is not even funny.
en7-171 She doubts anybody would believe him.
en7-172 Did she complain to her employer?
en7-173 Can she give them an example?
en7-174 She thinks he asked her out on a date.
en7-175 Maybe they should work on that.
en7-176 Is it because they are friends?
en7-177 She is not going to trick him again.
en7-178 Don't they have a conflict of interest?
en7-179 Is he disturbing her?
en7-180 She is driving in her car.

Copyright (C) 2007  Ralf Herzog

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

--- (Edited on 9/18/2007 8:54 pm [GMT-0500] by ralfherzog) ---

ralfherog-20070918-en7.zip ralfherog-20070918-en7.zip

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

Re: ralfherog-20070918-en7
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/20/2007 4:49 pm
Views: 254
Rating: 8

Hi Ralph,

thanks for your submission and adding new technology words! 


--- (Edited on 9/20/2007 5:49 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
