English Speech Files

User: crhylove
Date: 10/25/2006 5:30 pm
Views: 4238
Rating: 13

First attempt.  Corrected some things halfway through.  With my condenser mic these should be VERY usable though.
--- (Edited on 10/25/2006 5:30 pm [GMT-0500] by crhylove) ---

crhylove10252006.7z crhylove10252006.7z

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

Re: Phoneme25
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/27/2006 8:52 am
Views: 568
Rating: 23

Hi Rhy,

thanks for the submission, Audio sounds great,


--- (Edited on 10/27/2006 9:52 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
