English Speech Files

jaiger-11282006 - Phoneme 1 & 2
User: jaiger
Date: 11/29/2006 1:01 pm
Views: 2396
Rating: 13

These are Phoneme prompts 1 & 2.


 Speaker Characteristics:

Gender: male;
Age range: adult;
Pronunciation dialect: General American English;

Recording Information:

Microphone: Logitech Precision PC Gaming Headset
Audio Card: intel8x0 chipset, builtin IBM Thinkpad T23
Audio Recording Software: Audacity 1.2.3
O/S: Debian GNU/Linux sarge

File Info:

File type: wav;
Sampling rate: 48kHz;
Sample rate format: 16bit;
Number of channels: 1;


 Copyright (C) 2006  Joseph L Phillips

These files are free software; you can redistribute them and/or
modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

These files are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


 vf01-01 Author of the danger trail, Philip Steels, etc
vf01-02 Not at this particular case, Tom, apologized Whittemore
vf01-03 For the twentieth time that evening the two men shook hands
vf01-04 Lord, but I'm glad to see you again, Phil
vf01-05 Will we ever forget it
vf01-06 God bless 'em, I hope I'll go on seeing them forever
vf01-07 And you always want to see it in the superlative degree
vf01-08 Gad, your letter came just in time
vf01-09 He turned sharply, and faced Gregson across the table
vf01-10 I'm playing a single hand in what looks like a losing game
vf01-11 If I ever needed a fighter in my life I need one now
vf01-12 Gregson shoved back his chair and rose to his feet
vf01-13 He was a head shorter than his companion, of almost delicate physique
vf01-14 Now you're coming down to business, Phil, he exclaimed
vf01-15 It's the aurora borealis
vf01-16 There's Fort Churchill, a rifle-shot beyond the ridge, asleep
vf01-17 From that moment his friendship for Belize turns to hatred and jealousy
vf01-18 There was a change now
vf01-19 I followed the line of the proposed railroad, looking for chances
vf01-20 Clubs and balls and cities grew to be only memories
vf01-21 It fairly clubbed me into recognizing it
vf01-22 Hardly were our plans made public before we were met by powerful opposition
vf01-23 A combination of Canadian capital quickly organized and petitioned for the same privileges
vf01-24 It was my reports from the north which chiefly induced people to buy
vf01-25 I was about to do this when cooler judgment prevailed
vf01-26 It occurred to me that there would have to be an accounting
vf01-27 To my surprise he began to show actual enthusiasm in my favor
vf01-28 Robbery, bribery, fraud,
vf01-29 Their forces were already moving into the north country
vf01-30 I had faith in them
vf01-31 They were three hundred yards apart
vf01-32 Since then some mysterious force has been fighting us at every step
vf01-33 He unfolded a long typewritten letter, and handed it to Gregson
vf01-34 Men of Selden's stamp don't stop at women and children
vf01-35 He stopped, and Philip nodded at the horrified question in his eyes
vf01-36 She turned in at the hotel
vf01-37 I was the only one who remained sitting
vf01-38 We'll have to watch our chances
vf01-39 The ship should be in within a week or ten days
vf01-40 I suppose you wonder why she is coming up here
vf02-01 Meanwhile I'll go out to breathe a spell
vf02-02 How could he explain his possession of the sketch
vf02-03 It seemed nearer to him since he had seen and talked with Gregson
vf02-04 Her own betrayal of herself was like tonic to Philip
vf02-05 He moved away as quietly as he had come
vf02-06 The girl faced him, her eyes shining with sudden fear
vf02-07 Close beside him gleamed the white fangs of the wolf-dog
vf02-08 He looked at the handkerchief more, closely
vf02-09 Gregson was asleep when he re-entered the cabin
vf02-10 In spite of their absurdity the words affected Philip curiously
vf02-11 The lace was of a delicate ivory color, faintly tinted with yellow
vf02-12 It was a curious coincidence
vf02-13 Suddenly his fingers closed tightly over the handkerchief
vf02-14 There was nothing on the rock
vf02-15 Philip stood undecided, his ears strained to catch the slightest sound
vf02-16 Pearce's little eyes were fixed on him shrewdly
vf02-17 I have no idea, replied Philip
vf02-18 I came for information more out of curiosity than anything else
vf02-19 His immaculate appearance was gone
vf02-20 Anyway, no one saw her like that
vf02-21 Philip snatched at the letter which Gregson held out to him
vf02-22 The men stared into each other's face
vf02-23 Yes, it was a man who asked, a stranger
vf02-24 The fourth and fifth days passed without any developments
vf02-25 They closed now until his fingers were like cords of steel
vf02-26 He saw Jeanne falter for a moment
vf02-27 Surely I will excuse you, she cried
vf02-28 In a flash Philip followed its direction
vf02-29 It was his intention to return to Eileen and her father
vf02-30 He would first hunt up Gregson and begin his work there
vf02-31 What was the object of your little sensation
vf02-32 But who was Eileen's double
vf02-33 The promoter's eyes were heavy, with little puffy bags under them
vf02-34 And now, down there, Eileen was waiting for him
vf02-35 There has been a change, she interrupted him
vf02-36 The gray eyes faltered; the flush deepened
vf02-37 It is the fire, partly, she said
vf02-38 Then, and at supper, he tried to fathom her
vf02-39 It was a large canoe
vf02-40 What if Jeanne failed him


--- (Edited on 11/29/2006 14:01:40 [GMT-0500] by jaiger) ---

jaiger-11282006.tgz jaiger-11282006.tgz

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

Re: jaiger-11282006 - Phoneme 1 & 2
User: kmaclean
Date: 11/30/2006 2:00 pm
Views: 443
Rating: 14

Hi Joseph,

Thanks for the audio, it sounds great.

I uploaded it to Subversion (see this link) and created MFCC files.

Acoustic Model build 846 (16kHz:16bit ) includes your voice. 

To try it out, just replace the 'hmmdefs', 'macros' and 'tiedlist' files in your VoxForge Quickstart download with the ones in build 846, and you should see an improvement in recognition.


--- (Edited on 11/30/2006 3:00 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
