Date: 8/2/2017 5:25 pm
Views: 3563
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User Name:anonymous
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Language: EN
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Recording Information:
Microphone make: n/a
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Audio card make: unknown
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Audio Recording Software: VoxForge Speech Submission Application
File Info:
File type: wav
Sampling Rate: 48000
Sample rate format: 16
Number of channels: 1
e0346 Thereafter we will have it signed and will return a fully executed copy to you.
e0347 thank you for taking care of this. I really appreciate your pro active involvement with the new hires
e0348 they put it out by quarter so at the end of July we will get the next disk. They'll send me the data if we need it.
e0349 How about Dad playing golf this week? What a difference!! I am so glad that he is doing better.
e0350 It was really nice talking to you this week. I hope I could provide you with information sufficient for making the right decision.
e0351 Hope you all are doing fine. I was on jury duty three days last week... really interesting, but totally screwed up my schedule at work.
e0352 The unquestionable ability to make oral margin calls pursuant to Paragraph four is vital in fast moving market conditions
e0353 can you fill it in yourself? I will sign it.
e0354 Samantha should be able to handle this for you since she maintains and updates the brokerage reports
e0355 Here are some draft message points. Apologies in advance they're a little rough, but these guys are getting bothersome
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--- (Edited on 8/2/2017 5:25 pm [GMT-0500] by speechsubmission) ---