Date: 4/28/2016 6:07 pm
Views: 1969
Rating: 0
User Name:anonymous
Speaker Characteristics:
Gender: Male
Age Range: Adult
Language: EN
Pronunciation dialect: European English
Recording Information:
Microphone make: n/a
Microphone type: Headset mic
Audio card make: unknown
Audio card type: unknown
Audio Recording Software: VoxForge Speech Submission Application
File Info:
File type: wav
Sampling Rate: 48000
Sample rate format: 16
Number of channels: 1
e0261 My son has school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but my nanny is at home with him on the other days.
e0262 The products contemplated include various liquid swaps in oil, natural gas, and electricity
e0263 Davis spent six seasons as an assistant with the Dallas Cowboys, the last two as defensive coordinator
e0264 Please plan to attend a meeting on Friday. I would like to discuss any issues you have with the way the model works.
e0265 we will consider the potential impact that it could have on employees in other offices who have been redeployed.
e0266 Per our conversation this morning, the conference call with Peter will be December fourteenth from one thirty to two fourty five PM.
e0267 I.T. Networks team will be connecting the new building network infrastructure
e0268 This action committee will probably base its jurisdiction over some aspect of energy policy on a number of factors.
e0269 Congratulations to the whole team involved
e0270 You guys were so great and so much help yesterday - oh, that's right - it was Father's Day - wasn't it...
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--- (Edited on 4/28/2016 6:07 pm [GMT-0500] by speechsubmission) ---