English Speech Files

User: speechsubmission
Date: 5/22/2014 12:15 pm
Views: 845
Rating: 0
User Name:anonymous

Speaker Characteristics:

Gender: Male
Age Range: Adult
Language: EN
Pronunciation dialect: American English

Recording Information:

Microphone make: n/a
Microphone type: Laptop Built-in mic
Audio card make: unknown
Audio card type: unknown
Audio Recording Software: VoxForge Speech Submission Application

File Info:

File type: wav
Sampling Rate: 48000
Sample rate format: 16
Number of channels: 1


a0266 They handled two men already, both grub-thieves.
a0267 Eli Harding asked, as Shunk started to follow.
a0268 Now go ahead and tell me in a straightforward way what has happened.
a0269 That's where they cut off the Scottish Chiefs and killed all hands.
a0270 And after the bath a shave would not be bad.
a0271 Now please give a plain statement of what occurred.
a0272 You can take a vacation on pay.
a0273 They are big trees and require plenty of room.
a0274 And Raoul listened again to the tale of the house.
a0275 There are no kiddies and half grown youths among them.


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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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--- (Edited on 5/22/2014 12:15 pm [GMT-0500] by speechsubmission) ---

Notice: many prompts in "English Speech Files" were adapted from the prompt files contained in the CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database, which were in turn derived from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg, by the FestVox project at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
