VoxForgeIVR Speech Submissions (closed)

User: voxforge-ivr
Date: 2/27/2009 2:55 pm
Views: 3780
Rating: 0
Speaker Characteristics:

Gender: female;
Age range: adult;
Pronunciation dialect: unknown;

Recording Information:

Microphone: Telephone;
Audio Card: none;
Audio Recording Software: Asterisk 1.2.14 rev 48468;
O/S: CentOS 4 (i386).

File Info:

File type: wav;
Sampling rate: 8kHz;
Sample rate format: 16bit;
Number of channels: 1.


Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation

These files are free software; you can redistribute them and/or
modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

These files are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

Transcriptions (i.e. the prompts file):

vf6-16 The other felt a sudden wave of irritation rush through him
vf6-17 Oppressive as the heat had been, it was now even more oppressive
vf6-18 The ringing of the big bell aroused him
vf6-19 At first he puzzled over something untoward he was sure had happened
vf6-20 A dead man is of no use on a plantation
vf6-21 I don't know why you're here at all
vf6-22 What part of the United States is your home
vf6-23 My, I'm almost homesick for it already
vf6-24 She nodded, and her eyes grew soft and moist
vf6-25 I was brought up the way most girls in Hawaii are brought up
vf6-26 That came before my A B C's
vf6-27 It was the same way with our revolvers and rifles
vf6-28 But it contributed to the smash
vf6-29 The last one I knew was an overseer
vf6-30 Do you know any good land around here
vf6-31 The Resident Commissioner is away in Australia
vf6-32 I cannot follow you, she said
vf6-33 I never allow what can't be changed to annoy me
vf6-34 Why, the average review is more nauseating than cod liver oil
vf6-35 His voice was passionately rebellious
vf6-36 Don't you see I hate you
vf6-37 So Hughie and I did the managing ourselves
vf6-38 It happened to him at the Gallina Society in Oakland one afternoon
vf6-39 He cried in such genuine dismay that she broke into hearty laughter
vf6-40 Wash your hands of me
vf7-01 I think it's much nicer to quarrel
vf7-02 I saw it when she rolled
vf7-03 I only read the quotations
vf7-04 He was the soul of devotion to his employers
vf7-05 Out of his eighteen hundred, he laid aside sixteen hundred each year
vf7-06 You have heard always how he was the lover of Princess Naomi
vf7-07 They ought to pass here some time today
vf7-08 I had been sad too long already
vf7-09 All eyes, however, were staring at him in certitude of expectancy
vf7-10 He had observed the business life of Hawaii and developed a vaulting ambition
vf7-11 I may manage to freight a cargo back as well
vf7-12 O'Brien had been a clean living young man with ideals
vf7-13 He it was that lived to found the family of the Patino
vf7-14 Straight out they swam, their heads growing smaller and smaller
vf7-15 You won't die of malnutrition, be sure of that
vf7-16 See the length of the body and that elongated neck
vf7-17 They are coming ashore, whoever they are
vf7-18 Soaked in seawater they offset the heat rays
vf7-19 Think of investing in such an adventure
vf7-20 Nobody knew his history, they of the Junta least of all
vf7-21 I have been doubly baptized
vf7-22 They wouldn't be sweeping a big vessel like the Martha
vf7-23 Joan looked triumphantly at Sheldon, who bowed
vf7-24 And I hope you've got plenty of chain out, Captain Young
vf7-25 The discovery seemed to have been made on the spur of the moment
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