
step10 -Error[+2662]finf proto model:no proto for b in model set
User: nice_libra
Date: 2/6/2017 1:07 pm
Views: 2582
Rating: 0

when running 

HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed  triphones1

i got error

Error[+2662]finf proto model:no proto for b in model set

my monophones1 and triphones 1 dont contain b whereas fulllist contains b,so should i add more recording having b? or any other solution??




Re: step10 -Error[+2662]finf proto model:no proto for b in model set
User: colbec
Date: 2/7/2017 2:16 am
Views: 2
Rating: 0

Somebody else had the same issue, see - see if it helps and if not why your situation is different. It comes down to adding audio samples with b in it.

Re: step10 -Error[+2662]finf proto model:no proto for b in model set
User: nice_libra
Date: 2/7/2017 2:56 am
Views: 3
Rating: 0

thanks for response 

instead of trying for fulllist0 to get result for unseen data ,

i try this on triphone1 AND even monophone1 hmm9;

it is giving another problem that it is taking word YOUNG as phone in monophones0 and monophones1.

i m using beep dict .

Also i tried voxforgedict still facing the same problem,if i delete YOUNG from monophones it didnt work ,stuck at initial steps.

please help

