
getting error in tree clustering
User: suhas m
Date: 9/10/2008 8:17 am
Views: 5908
Rating: 19


while executing  this command, 

HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm14/macros.txt -H hmm14/hmmdefs.txt -M hmm15 tree.hed triphones1 

i got the error

 error [+2663] chkTreeobject:TB only valid for 1 mix daigonal covar models 


Re: getting error in tree clustering
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/12/2008 1:20 pm
Views: 124
Rating: 8

Hi suhas

>while executing  this command, 

>HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm14/macros.txt -H hmm14/hmmdefs.txt -M hmm15 tree.hed triphones1 

shouldn't you be executing this command?:

$HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1

> error [+2663] chkTreeobject:TB only valid for 1 mix daigonal covar models 

The HTK book says:

2663 Invalid types to tree cluster
     Tree clustering will only work for single Gaussian diagonal covariance untied models of similar topology.

Have you deviated from the tutorial?  If yes, how?



Re: getting error in tree clustering
User: ankit kumar
Date: 10/8/2013 12:42 pm
Views: 57
Rating: 4

HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm14/macros -H hmm14/hmmdefs  -M hmm15 tree.hed triphones1 

shouldn't you be executing this command?:

$HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1

> error [+2663] chkTreeobject:TB only valid for 1 mix daigonal covar models


> i used two state GMM for training...but i got this to solve this problem...

thanks in advance

Re: getting error in tree clustering
User: imene
Date: 10/5/2008 10:09 am
Views: 109
Rating: 7

I had the same problem with this command

error [+2663] chkTreeobject:TB only valid for 1 mix daigonal covar models

Does this error  want to say that i cannot work with a mixture of Gaussian in the definition of the model HMM

because  I worked with a number of Gaussian =4 .And I think it is the only point where I deviated of this tutorial.


Re: getting error in tree clustering
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/7/2008 9:41 pm
Views: 100
Rating: 6

Have you checked the HTK email archives?


Re: getting error in tree clustering
User: shahabjld
Date: 2/7/2011 8:40 am
Views: 223
Rating: 7

hello to all

i think that you can use TC command instead of TB , in your tree.hed file, because TB can handle only single gaussian models but TC is not so, i had the same problem. you can find some text about it in pages 171-172 from htkbook

good luck 

Re: getting error in tree clustering
User: shahabjld
Date: 2/7/2011 8:40 am
Views: 103
Rating: 8

hello to all

i think that you can use TC command instead of TB , in your tree.hed file, because TB can handle only single gaussian models but TC is not so, i had the same problem. you can find some text about it in pages 171-172 from htkbook

good luck 

Re: getting error in tree clustering
User: eslam
Date: 4/17/2012 11:51 pm
Views: 148
Rating: 5


I use TC instead of TB command but when I go to the second command of I got this error

$ HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1

C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HHEd.exe -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1


No HTK Configuration Parameters Set



 9235/9235 Models Loaded [5 states max, 1 mixes max]

RO 20.00 ''

 Setting outlier threshold for clustering

 RO->LS stats

  and loading state occupation stats

  Stats loaded for 50 models

  Mean Occupation Count = 6298.395909


TR 0

 Adjusting trace level


TR 1

 Adjusting trace level


AU fulllist1

 Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones

  ERROR [+2662]  AddUnseenCommand: there are no existing trees

 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HHEd.exe

 can anybody tell me where is the error???

Re: getting error in tree clustering
User: Visitor
Date: 4/14/2014 9:33 pm
Views: 26
Rating: 4

Have you solve this problem yet?
