I have received the following error:
TR 1
Adjusting trace level
AU fulllist
Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones
ERROR [+2662] FindProtoModel: no proto for el in hSet
FATAL ERROR - Terminating program /usr/local/bin/HHEd
The thing is the "el" isn't in my list of phones to use at all. No word in my prompts utilizes that phonetic sound. It is only in the tree.hed, which was copied and pasted in from the tutorial. I didn't realize that I may have to modify the tree.hed.
How do I go about doing that properly?
Tutorial says:
Then execute the HDMan command against the entire lexicon file, not just the training dictionnary we have used thus far (that is why we needed to create a phonetically balanced grammar in Step 2):
You need to add recordings using the 'el' phone (and any others that might be missing from the pronunciation dict) and retrain.
TR 1
Adjusting trace level
AU fulllist
Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones
ERROR [+2662] FindProtoModel: no proto for b in hSet
FATAL ERROR - Terminating program /usr/local/bin/HHEd
i tried with phonotically balanced sentence which i took from Harvard Univ
i had the same error
u have adviced add recordings using the 'b' phone (and any others that might be missing from the pronunciation dict) and retrain
can u please tell me how to do
TR 1 ------------------------------------ i tried with phonotically balanced sentence which i took from Harvard Univ i had the same error u have adviced add recordings using the 'b' phone (and any others that might be missing from the pronunciation dict) and retrain can u please tell me how to do
Adjusting trace level
AU fulllist
Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones
ERROR [+2662] FindProtoModel: no proto for b in hSet
FATAL ERROR - Terminating program /usr/local/bin/HHEd