
Compiling 64-bit HTK
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/4/2010 3:05 pm
Views: 7633
Rating: 11

From the HTK mailing list (I have not tried this yet...):

Yes, on 64-bits the GCC compiler use -m64 to generate binary files for 64-bit architecture, also add -L options with the path for the libraries like X11.
That should solve your problems.


Le 2009-12-18 à 13:48, Elias Gerber a écrit :

> -m32 -a

Re: Compiling 64-bit HTK
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/18/2010 10:10 am
Views: 131
Rating: 13

Other hints for compiling 64-bit HTK... from HTK mailing list:

yum -y install libgcc.i586 glibc-devel.i586

which then enables HTK to link to gcc's 32 bit libraries.   [...] configure as:

./configure --disable-hslab CFLAGS="-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64"

The --disable-hslab means I don't need the X11 libraries and the other CFLAGS give 64 bit file pointers which is useful for building very large language models.

Re: Compiling 64-bit HTK
User: nngochue
Date: 6/5/2011 5:57 am
Views: 80
Rating: 10

I have a question. I got an error when i used HDecode for recognizition.This error is "Segmentation fault (core dump)".

I use fedora 64bit. Please help me compile HDecode on fedora 64bit. Thank!

Re: Compiling 64-bit HTK
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/7/2011 11:00 am
Views: 96
Rating: 11

>error when i used HDecode for recognizition.This error is "Segmentation fault (core dump)".

anything in the HTK mailing list archives?

Re: Compiling 64-bit HTK
User: Shawn
Date: 2/17/2013 9:56 pm
Views: 287
Rating: 4

I have the same error when running hvite with the global MLLR transform. Still no idea how to solve this?
