

training data in noisy environment
By Sudipto - 11/27/2016 - 1 Replies hello there, we were able to build a system for exclusively recognizing medicines and medical terms. But during the testing part it was showing correct outputs as well as extra one(Like we are not saying any thing but it keeps printing names).

Recording Fail
By Visitor - 11/26/2015 - 1 Replies Hi

Quality Tab
By ibr - 8/4/2015 Preferences is uder Edit menu, or just press Ctrl P, in Preferences you will find Quality Tab

Up Sampling
By Asterisk-User - 5/14/2013 - 1 Replies While up-sampling such that a recorded audio file is recreated with a higher sampling rate, e.g. file.wav 8kHz and recreated and saved to a 16kHz file) is generally not a good idea. This could be possible whilst using a smoothening algorithm in order to produce a better quality audio file. Think of it as a tweening process (interpolation). Of course, this could be prone to errors - but possible.

convert audio
By Lennart - 6/2/2012 If you recorded in a format that is of higher quality you can get away with converting down, but if you recorded in a too low Hz or with too few bits per sample then you will not be able to increase the quality.

Configuring Audacity Preferences ?
By mmm - 8/7/2010 - 1 Replies hi