
need help
User: mmm
Date: 3/12/2010 1:43 pm
Views: 7902
Rating: 13


When I tried to run this command : HSLab any_name


I got this result


C:\htk\bin.win32>HSLab any_name

  ERROR [+6870]  MakeXGraf: Not compiled with X11 support: use HGraf.X.c

 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HSLab





+6870 X11 error

Ensure that the DISPLAY variable is set and that the X11 window system is configured




What does the result mean:


C:\htk\bin.win32>HDMan -m -w wlist.txt -n monophones1 -l dlog newdict.txt beep/b


  ERROR [+1452]  ReadDictProns: word ASTRALLY out of order in dict beep/beep-2.0


 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HDMan


Re: need help
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/22/2010 7:55 pm
Views: 158
Rating: 15

>ERROR [+6870]  MakeXGraf: Not compiled with X11 support: use HGraf.X.c

> FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HSLab

When you compiled HTK, you probably did not include the x11 developer packages for your Linux distro (for Fedora it is something like libX11-devel)?


HSLab is just an audio recorder with some transcription features... you can use Audacity instead.


>ERROR [+1452]  ReadDictProns: word ASTRALLY out of order in dict



Just what it says... the word ASTRALLY in not in the proper dictionary order, fix it...



Re: need help
User: Visitor
Date: 2/15/2012 8:44 pm
Views: 149
Rating: 17

Hi,I have the same question, error[+1452]. Thank you for your reply, but how to fix the order, I mean, how to  find the proper dictionary order when the beep file is very big.

Re: need help
User: Brontok
Date: 6/26/2012 2:53 pm
Views: 333
Rating: 14

Did you/anyone figured out how to fix the ERROR [+1452]  ReadDictProns: word "(can be any word)" out of order in dict beep ?


Re: need help
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/26/2012 3:26 pm
Views: 275
Rating: 18

>how to fix [...] out of order in dict beep ?

Perl's sort command should work:

    open(INPUT,"beep-1.0");         # Beep dictionary
    my(@lines) = <INPUT>;         # read file into list

   @lines = sort(@lines);              # sort the list

    open(OUTPUT,">beep-fixed");  # output file
    foreach $line (@lines) {             # loop thru list
        print OUTPUT "$line";           # print in sorted order


Re: need help
User: BrontokBegins
Date: 6/26/2012 11:57 pm
Views: 281
Rating: 17

Thanks. But problem still remains, even with the beep-fixed by generated by above perl script  Frown

1. Any thoughts what is happening ?

I am getting following message:


HDMan -b sp -n fulllist -g global.ded -l flog beep-tri beep-fixed

ERROR [+1452]  ReadDictProns: word DOUBLE-QUOTE out of order in dict beep-fixed
FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HDMan


2. And what is 'beep-tri' ? 

    How to obtain it ?


Re: need help
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/27/2012 10:43 am
Views: 266
Rating: 15

updated script:

    open(INPUT,"beep-1.0");           # Beep dictionary
    my(@lines) = <INPUT>;         # read file into list

    foreach $line (@lines) {      # loop thru list
    $line =~ s/\\//g;      # remove backslashes
    if ( $line !~ m/^(\"|\'|#)/ ) { # remove lines with leading single & double quote or comments
               push @fixedlines, $line;         

    @lines = sort(@fixedlines);         # sort the list

    open(OUTPUT,">beep-fixed");    # output file
    foreach $line (@lines) {       # loop thru list
        print OUTPUT "$line";      # print in sorted order

Re: need help
User: Anar Xocayev
Date: 11/7/2013 2:53 am
Views: 116
Rating: 7

Hi i have same problem in windows 7.

ERROR [ 6870] MakeXGraf: Not compiled with X11 support: use HGraf.X.c FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HSlab
