Audio Books (LibriVox) Submissions

How I Found Livingstone by Sir Henry M. Stanley
User: tjm1983
Date: 11/30/2007 8:47 pm
Views: 4397

Chapter: Chapter 04, part 1: Life at Bagamoyo
Reader: tjm1983
URL link to audio: howifoundlivingstone_04_stanley_tjm1983.flac

and .txt

By the way, there was one place I noticed where I said "he said" instead of "said he". Since it didn't change the sense, I didn't correct this for LibriVox. I figured that for the purposes of a speech corpus, it's best to have the text match what I actually said, rather than what the author wrote, so I altered the text file that I uploaded here.

Was that a good thing to do, or do you want me to upload the original text?



--- (Edited on 2007-12-01 15:47 [GMT+1300] by tjm1983) ---
