
VoxForge is 1 year old!
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/12/2007 8:35 am
Views: 3487
Rating: 158

This past Wednesday marked the unofficial one year anniversary for VoxForge.  I say unofficial because the site has been up since May 2006, but it was tweaked until I felt it was ready for general promotion. 

On October 10 of last year, I submitted this article: Improving Open Source Speech Recognition and got over 10,000 visitors in a 24 hour period (and that's those who could get through ...). 

Since then we've collected over 27 hours of speech to help improve Free and Open Source Speech Recognition, and provided non-technical FOSS users with a way to contribute back to the community.

To everyone who provided feedback, support and submitted speech, I thank you for a great year and many more to come,

