
Voxforge model for sphinx what's this qq all about?
User: Dr_Grilli
Date: 12/11/2013 10:24 am
Views: 6867
Rating: 0

Having a look at the sphinx voxforge transcription dictionary (I downloaded from here: ) I read this "qq" all the time. According to a previous thread here in this forum this:

A	  qq aa: 
AB	  qq a p 
ABBEDINGUNG	  qq a p b @ d ii nn uu nn  )

seems to be correct but why is there a qq sometimes at the beginning or sometimes at the end once or even twice like in 2000?

2000      t s v ai t au z @ n t qq qq 
2002      t s v ai t au z @ n t qq t s v ai qq 

I could not find any entry in the phoneset at . Do these lists correspond? Or did I simply miss something?




Re: Voxforge model for sphinx what's this qq all about?
User: nsh
Date: 12/11/2013 7:03 pm
Views: 75
Rating: 1

> seems to be correct but why is there a qq sometimes

No, qq must be dropped from a phoneset and the dictionary.

Dictionary has many other problems beside qq, it also fails to convert words with umlauts properly.

The dictionary has to be created from scratch from espeak and the issues mentioned above must be fixed.


Re: Voxforge model for sphinx what's this qq all about?
User: Binh
Date: 12/12/2013 3:22 am
Views: 98
Rating: 1

Mit dem qq wurde scheinbar versucht den Glottalverschluss abzubilden, der häufig vor deutschen Vokalen gebildet wird. Teilweise sind damit auch kurze Pausen simuliert worden.Ich vermute mal das dies die qqs am Ende sein sollen.

Ob dieser wirklich ins Phonemset gehört oder nicht stell ich jetzt einfach mal so hin.


Re: Voxforge model for sphinx what's this qq all about?
User: Visitor
Date: 12/12/2013 10:09 am
Views: 143
Rating: 0

Thank you for the quick reply. So it's this phenomenon:

I'm not an expert but IMO modeling glottal stop as a separate phoneme "qq" is likely to confuse the recognizer. At the moment I'm not sure if glottal stop should be modeled at all. If so maybe one could model it as "aq eq iq oq uq".

Re: Voxforge model for sphinx what's this qq all about?
User: ralfherzog
Date: 12/16/2013 12:34 pm
Views: 56
Rating: 1

Eine sehr interessante Frage, ob der glottal stop ein Phonem ist?

Für den Anfang würde ich ihn weglassen, langfristig gehört er meiner Meinung nach dazu.

Re: Voxforge model for sphinx what's this qq all about?
User: Binh
Date: 12/19/2013 4:52 am
Views: 2733
Rating: 0


Ich freu mich das es dich noch gibt. Sehr viel von meiner Arbeit beruht auf deinen Posts bei Spirit.blau. Ich fand diese umheimlich informativ.

