
Adapting Acoustic Model with Julius
User: Nikita
Date: 1/29/2013 8:14 am
Views: 6674
Rating: 5

Dear VoxForgians!


I would like to train the most recent German AM for HTK/Julius according to the tutorial ( It requires the following files: 

  • hmmdefs
  • macros
  • tiedlist
  • config
  • wav_config
  • dict
  • stats
of which I don't have "config", "wav_config" and "dict". I figured that "dict" contains words and corresponding pronunciation. But does it have to be in that exact format of:
Word [WORD] w o r d ? Or can I move on with only the first and last culumns? 
All hints will be very much appreciated :)
Best wishes
P.S.: Has anyone tried adapting AMs with HTK 3.4.1? What were your experiences?
Re: Adapting Acoustic Model with Julius
User: nsh
Date: 1/31/2013 11:00 am
Views: 142
Rating: 5

> Or can I move on with only the first and last culumns? 

Yes, you can

 > Idon't have "config", "wav_config" 

You can find them in voxforge tutorial

> Has anyone tried adapting AMs with HTK 3.4.1? What were your experiences?

CMUSphinx is easier to deal with, see

Re: Adapting Acoustic Model with Julius
User: Nikita
Date: 2/3/2013 9:54 am
Views: 2948
Rating: 5

Hello Nickolay!

Thank you very much for the answers!
