
prompts specification
User: samuel buffet
Date: 9/3/2008 5:46 pm
Views: 18902
Rating: 15



I'd like to know if there is a prompt specification somewhere ?

Is the number of words limited ?

Is the phonem number in the sentence limited ?

etc ..

Thankx for your great work Smile

Re: prompts specification
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/3/2008 6:36 pm
Views: 217
Rating: 17

HI Samuel,

>I'd like to know if there is a prompt specification somewhere ?

Nothing formal...

>Is the number of words limited ?

Yes, please only have 15-25 words per line.

>Is the phonem number in the sentence limited ?

You can have as many phonemes per sentence as you want. 

However, if you are creating prompts for others to read too, then having sentences that make sense (as opposed to random words) is better... as a result, this may reduce the variety of phonemes you might have in a sentence.

Are you interested in contributing some French translations for the Speech Submission applet?



Re: prompts specification
User: Visitor
Date: 9/4/2008 12:57 am
Views: 165
Rating: 16

Hi Ken,

Thank you for your answers.

>Are you interested in contributing some French translations for the Speech >Submission applet?


Yes sure, I'd like to do that.

Send me your strings.


Re: prompts specification
User: samuel buffet
Date: 9/4/2008 3:49 pm
Views: 176
Rating: 14
That really was me above not a visitor.
Re: prompts specification
User: dano
Date: 9/4/2008 4:41 pm
Views: 156
Rating: 14

You can either download a pot file to edit it with a text-editor or a gui-based application

and send the content back

 or translate this (only the strings between double quotes (I think this way is preffered now.) Please keep the slashes before quotes in the strings.

    private void French() {
         usernamePanelLabel = "Username:";
         usernamePanelText = "(leave blank to submit anonymously)";
         copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation";
         gplAccepted = "Yes";
         pleaseSelect = "Please Select";
         notApplicable = "unknown";
         genderPanelLabel = "Gender:";
         genderSelection = new String [3];
         genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;  
         genderSelection[1] = "Male";   
         genderSelection[2] = "Female";
         ageRangePanelLabel = "Age Range:";
         ageSelection = new String [4];
         ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; 
         ageSelection[1] = "Youth"; 
         ageSelection[2] = "Adult";
         ageSelection[3] = "Senior";
         dialectPanelLabel = "Pronunciation Dialect:";
         dialectSelection = new String [11];
         dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;   
         dialectSelection[1] = "Australian English";   
         dialectSelection[2] = "American English";    // other
         dialectSelection[3] = "British English";
         dialectSelection[4] = "Canadian English";     
         dialectSelection[5] = "European English";
         dialectSelection[6] = "Indian English";
         dialectSelection[7] = "Irish English";
         dialectSelection[8] = "New Zealand English";
         dialectSelection[9] = "South African English"; 
         dialectSelection[10] = "Other";
         microphonePanelLabel = "Microphone Type:";
         microphoneSelection = new String [9];
         microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; 
         microphoneSelection[1] = "Headset mic";   
         microphoneSelection[2] = "USB Headset mic";  
         microphoneSelection[3] = "Desktop Boom mic"; 
         microphoneSelection[4] = "USB Desktop Boom mic"; 
         microphoneSelection[5] = "Laptop Built-in mic";
         microphoneSelection[6] = "WebCam mic";     
         microphoneSelection[7] = "Studio mic";
         microphoneSelection[8] = "Other";
         uploadText = "<html>By clicking the \"Upload\" button, you agree to assign the Copyright to your recorded speech to <br> "
            + "the Free Software Foundation, and to license your submission under the GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ;
         uploadButtonLabel = "Upload";
         moreInfoText = "For more information on Copyright and GPL, click here:";
         moreInfoButtonLabel = "More Information";   
         disclaimerText =
            "<html>VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007 VoxForge<br>"
            +"This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; without even the implied<br> "
            +"warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  For<br>"
            +"more details click the \"About\" button:";
         aboutButtonLabel = "About";
         recordButton = "Record";
         stopButton = "Stop";
         playButton = "Play";
         peakWarningLabel =  "Warning: input may be too loud";
         sampleGraphFileLabel = "File: ";
         sampleGraphLengthLabel = "  Length: ";
         sampleGraphPositionLabel ="  Position: ";
         uploadingMessageLabel = "Uploading...";
         uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Upload completed... Thank you for your submission!";

You can translate the webpage as well as the endpage of the speech submission application. Good luck :)



Re: prompts specification
User: samuel buffet
Date: 9/4/2008 5:38 pm
Views: 204
Rating: 16

Hi Daniël,

Find bellow my fr.po

"Project-Id-Version: VoxForge Speech submission applet 1.5\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-3 18:56\n"
"Last-Translator: Daniël Heres <[email protected]>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: usernamePanelLabel
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur "
#: usernamePanelText
msgid "(leave blank to submit anonymously)"
msgstr "(ne pas remplir pour un envoi anonyme)"
#: copyrightName
msgid "Free Software Foundation"
msgstr "Free Software Foundation"
#: gplAccepted
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"
#: pleaseSelect
msgid "Please Select"
msgstr "Sélectionnez SVP"
#: notApplicable
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "inconnu"
#: genderPanelLabel
msgid "Gender:"
msgstr "Sexe:"
#: genderSelection[1]
msgid "Male"
msgstr "Masculin"
#: genderSelection[2]
msgid "Female"
msgstr "Féminin"
#: ageRangePanelLabel
msgid "Age Range:"
msgstr "Tranche d'age"
#: ageSelection[1]
msgid "Youth"
msgstr "Jeune"
#: ageSelection[2]
msgid "Adult"
msgstr "Adulte"
#: ageSelection[3]
msgid "Senior"
msgstr "Senior"
#: dialectPanelLabel
msgid "Pronunciation Dialect:"
msgstr "Variante régionale:"
#: dialectSelection[10]
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autre"
#: microphonePanelLabel
msgid "Microphone Type:"
msgstr "Type de micro:"
#: microphoneSelection[1]
msgid "Headset mic"
msgstr "Casque micro"
#: microphoneSelection[2]
msgid "USB Headset mic"
msgstr "Casque micro USB"
#: microphoneSelection[3]
msgid "Desktop Boom mic"
msgstr "Microphone de bureau"
#: microphoneSelection[4]
msgid "USB Desktop Boom mic"
msgstr "Microphone de bureau USB"
#: microphoneSelection[5]
msgid "Laptop Built-in mic"
msgstr "Micro intégré de portable"
#: microphoneSelection[6]
msgid "WebCam mic"
msgstr "Micro de webcam"
#: microphoneSelection[7]
msgid "Studio mic"
msgstr "Micro de studio"
#: microphoneSelection[8]
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autre"
#: uploadText 1/2
msgid "<html>By clicking the \"Upload\" button, you agree to assign the Copyright to your recorded speech to <br> the Free Software Foundation, and to license your submission under the GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):"
msgstr "<html>En cliquant sur le bouton \"Envoyer\", vous acceptez de céder le droit d'auteur de vos enregistrements à <br> la Free Software Foundation et de les placer sous la licence GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):"
#: uploadButtonLabel
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Envoyer"
#: moreInfoText
msgid "For more information on Copyright and GPL, click here:"
msgstr "Pour de plus amples renseignements sur le droit d'auteur et la licence GPL, cliquez ici:"
#: moreInfoButtonLabel
msgid "More Information"
msgstr"Plus d'informations"
#: disclaimerText
msgid "<html>VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007 VoxForge<br> This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; without even the implied<br> warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  For<br> more details click the \"About\" button:"
msgstr "<html> VoxForge SpeechSubmission applet - Copyright (C) 2007 VoxForge <br> Ce programme est livré SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE; sans même la garantie implicite de <br>
COMMERCIALISTION ou D'ADAPTATION A UN OBJET PARTICULIER. Pour<br> plus de détails, cliquez sur le bouton \"A propos de\" :"
#: aboutButtonLabel
msgid "About"
msgstr "A propos de"
#: recordButton
msgid "Record"
msgstr "Enregistrer"
#: stopButton
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Arrêter"
#: playButton
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Lecture"
#: peakWarningLabel
msgid "Warning: input may be too loud"
msgstr "Attention: volume d'entrée micro peut-être trop fort"
#: sampleGraphFileLabel
msgid " File: "
msgstr "Fichier: "
#: sampleGraphLengthLabel
msgid "  Length: "
msgstr "  Longueur: "
#: sampleGraphPositionLabel
msgid "  Position: "
msgstr "  Position: "
#: uploadingMessageLabel
msgid "Uploading..."
msgstr "Envoi en cours..."
#: uploadCompletedMessageLabel
msgid "Upload completed... Thank you for your submission!"
msgstr "Envoi terminé... Merci de votre collaboration !"

Re: prompts specification
User: samuel buffet
Date: 9/4/2008 6:16 pm
Views: 163
Rating: 16

in dialectSelection you can have :

français belge

français suisse

français québécois

français d'Afrique


Can you also please post the text linked to the about  button because I can't copy/past inside  the window.




Re: prompts specification
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/4/2008 8:38 pm
Views: 192
Rating: 17

Hi Samuel,

thanks for the translations!

>please post the text linked to the about  button

I just highlighted the about page and used ctrl-c to copy, and then ctrl-p to paste here (right-clicking to copy in the Java applet does not seem to work...)

 VoxForge Speech Submission Application v0.1.5a
Allows a user to record their speech and upload it to the VoxForge server
so that it can be incorporated into the VoxForge speech corpus and used
in the creation of GPL acoustic models.

Copyright (C) 2007  VoxForge

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with these files.  If not, see <>.

This Java Applet incorporates open-source Java code
from other projects:
   - MoodleSpeex, (c) Dan Stowell 2006.
   - Postlet HTTP uploader,  (c) Simon Rycroft
   - JavaSoundDemo,          (c) Sun Microsystems
Please see the licences stored in the "copyrights" folder in the
speechsubmission jar file for more details.

The English prompts are from the FestVox CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis database.
(the utterances were selected from out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg)

Full GPL License:

                       Version 3, 29 June 2007

 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


thanks again,


p.s. looks like I'll have to look in to .po files for the next release... :)

Re: prompts specification
User: samuel buffet
Date: 9/5/2008 9:44 am
Views: 171
Rating: 15

Hi Ken & Daniël,

The Java code for french :

private void French() {
         usernamePanelLabel = "Nom d'utilisateur:";
         usernamePanelText = "(ne pas remplir pour un envoi anonyme)";
         copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation";
         gplAccepted = "Oui";
         pleaseSelect = "Sélectionnez";
         notApplicable = "inconnu";
         genderPanelLabel = "Sexe:";
         genderSelection = new String [3];
         genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; 
         genderSelection[1] = "Masculin";  
         genderSelection[2] = "Féminin";
         ageRangePanelLabel = "Tranche d'âge:";
         ageSelection = new String [4];
         ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;
         ageSelection[1] = "Jeune";
         ageSelection[2] = "Adulte";
         ageSelection[3] = "Senior";
         dialectPanelLabel = "Variante régionale:";
         dialectSelection = new String [7];
         dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;  
         dialectSelection[1] = "Français Belgique";  
         dialectSelection[2] = "Français Suisse";    // other
         dialectSelection[3] = "Français France";
         dialectSelection[4] = "Français Québécois";    
         dialectSelection[5] = "Français d'Afrique";
         dialectSelection[6] = "Autre";
         microphonePanelLabel = "Type de micro:";
         microphoneSelection = new String [9];
         microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;
         microphoneSelection[1] = "Casque micro";  
         microphoneSelection[2] = "Casque micro USB"; 
         microphoneSelection[3] = "Micro de bureau";
         microphoneSelection[4] = "Micro de bureau USB";
         microphoneSelection[5] = "Micro de portable";
         microphoneSelection[6] = "Micro de webcam";    
         microphoneSelection[7] = "Micro de studio";
         microphoneSelection[8] = "Autre";
         uploadText = "<html>En cliquant sur le bouton \"Envoyer\", vous acceptez de céder le droit d'auteur de vos enregistrements à <br> "
            + "la Free Software Foundation et de les placer sous la licence GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ;
         uploadButtonLabel = "Envoyer";
         moreInfoText = "Pour de plus amples renseignements sur le droit d'auteur et la licence GPL, cliquez ici:";
         moreInfoButtonLabel = "Plus d'informations";  
         disclaimerText =
            "<html>VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007 VoxForge<br>"
            +"Ce programme est livré SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE; sans même la garantie implicite de<br> "
            +"plus de détails, cliquez sur le bouton \"A propos de\" :";
         aboutButtonLabel = "A propos de";
         recordButton = "Enregistrer";
         stopButton = "Arrêter";
         playButton = "Lecture";
         peakWarningLabel =  "Attention: volume d'entrée micro peut-être trop fort";
         sampleGraphFileLabel = "Fichier: ";
         sampleGraphLengthLabel = "  Longueur: ";
         sampleGraphPositionLabel ="  Position: ";
         uploadingMessageLabel = "Envoi en cours...";
         uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Envoi terminé... Merci de votre participation !";


I've seen that something is landing in Launchpad Wink


Re: prompts specification
User: dano
Date: 9/5/2008 11:03 am
Views: 227
Rating: 17
Thank you!