
How/When awaiting submissions are processed
User: dudu
Date: 2/1/2013 3:38 pm
Views: 8763
Rating: 8

I can see a lot of not yet treated submissions (older dated in 2010).

So I would like to know how do you proceed them. How many people work on that. Do you need help for this and how man can contribute in that way.

Thanks for that great project!!

Re: How/When awaiting submissions are processed
User: dudu
Date: 2/1/2013 3:52 pm
Views: 385
Rating: 12


For information, I am native french speeker. The awaiting submissions I was speeking about are there:

Re: How/When awaiting submissions are processed
User: kmaclean
Date: 2/18/2013 11:30 am
Views: 4084
Rating: 6

>So I would like to know how do you proceed them.

I am assuming you mean "processed"

I basically make sure that the audio in a submission can be processed by HTK (which means it should work with Sphinxtrain too).  We get junk submissions, or audio that is clipped or is too loud or soft.  The process is semi-automated.

>How many people work on that.

One, me  :)

>Do you need help for this and how man can contribute in that way.

At some point yes.  Not set up for it just yet.
