
Re: How to best help as french speaker?
User: arbae
Date: 8/31/2014 2:29 am
Views: 94
Rating: 9

Please give me further instructions between these :

_Beginning to send the 2400 links to Voxforge Forum.

_Sending the mail I prepared to ask France Info their license now that they may have returned from holidays.

_Waiting for a link to the thread where Nick describes how to "create your own Acoustic Models" because it is not allowed to make an acoustic model without hosting source audio on Voxforge.

Re: How to best help as french speaker?
User: nsh
Date: 8/31/2014 2:41 am
Views: 3692
Rating: 10

 > Waiting for a link to the thread where Nick describes how to "create your own Acoustic Models" because it is not allowed to make an acoustic model without hosting source audio on Voxforge.

Well, this is easy, you can read the following:
First you need to checkout sphinx4 from sources and try how long audio aligner works on your podcasts, if you need technical assistance on this, feel free to ask.
You can ask me directly here or on cmusphinx forums, there is no need to refer to me as a third person.
If you need a powerful server to run a model training running under Linux, feel free to ask too. If we share the common server, it would be easier to me to check your problems.