
Dutch website about speech recognition.
User: dano
Date: 8/10/2008 3:19 pm
Views: 25553
Rating: 21

For Dutch people I'm now creating a website with info about speech recognition and links to important websites.


English people can read the Google translation on speechcorpus.googlepages.com , I know it's not perfect but you get an idea.

This week I'm on vacation but when I come back, I will extend the web page.

When I get enough money from the advertising spaces I will spend it on open source speech recognition.

Re: Dutch website about speech recognition.
User: nsh
Date: 8/11/2008 2:25 am
Views: 205
Rating: 21

Great, thanks. It's quite interesting

Though my initial though was that if there is need for something different, some other website, probably there is something wrong with our one. You can put your texts here for example, or advertising was the only goal.

Re: Dutch website about speech recognition.
User: dano
Date: 8/11/2008 4:25 am
Views: 350
Rating: 23

Hi nsh,

I already talked with  Ken about translating / creating pages (maybe nl.voxforge.org?)

I think for Dutch people the site is now very confusing: when you have submitted speech, you are sended back to the English donating page

Maybe the site headers and lay-out can also be revised. (Audiobooks under Listen?)



Re: Dutch website about speech recognition.
User: kmaclean
Date: 8/13/2008 12:21 pm
Views: 200
Rating: 23

Hi Daniël,

>I already talked with  Ken about translating / creating pages

>(maybe nl.voxforge.org?)

I sent you an email a few days ago, though based on this comment, I am not sure you received it...

I am travelling for another couple of weeks, we can talk about this more when I get back.

Basically, the problem is that WebGUI (the CMS VoxForge uses) does not currently support multiple languages on a same site (at least not as well as Plone or Drupal).  The WebGUI CMS does provide internationalization ("i18n") support for many languages.  But this is only with respect to localization of the user interface (e.g. when adding content, adding comments...).  This does not mean that it has multi-language content management features (i.e. being able to tell the CMS that a piece of content is translated in English, Dutch and Russian, and the CMS automatically presents the correct version to the user based on their language selection).

In addition, even though the software can provide i18n support, since the WebGUI community is relatively small translations are lacking.

>I think for Dutch people the site is now very confusing: when

>you have submitted speech, you are sended back to the English

>donating page

Agree... the same applies to all other non-English languages. 

>Maybe the site headers and lay-out can also be revised.

>(Audiobooks under Listen?)

Any suggestions are welcome.



Re: Dutch website about speech recognition.
User: Visitor
Date: 8/18/2008 10:06 am
Views: 315
Rating: 21

Hi Ken,

I was also on holiday, so I didn't read my mail.

>Basically, the problem is that WebGUI (the CMS VoxForge uses) does >not currently support multiple languages on a same site (at least not as >well as Plone or Drupal).  The WebGUI CMS does provide >internationalization ("i18n") support for many languages.  But this is only >with respect to localization of the user interface (e.g. when adding content, >adding comments...).  This does not mean that it has multi-language >content management features (i.e. being able to tell the CMS that a piece >of content is translated in English, Dutch and Russian, and the CMS >automatically presents the correct version to the user based on their >language selection).

What, do you think, is the best way to workaround this issue? nl.voxforge.org, voxforge.org/nl/<page>, voxforge.org/<page>_nl, use a other CMS, or do you have an other solution?


As much speech is the goal of VoxForge, I have some topics in mind to increase speech submissions:

- (More speech / more different speech) Spreading the Java applet to other sites by giving customizable (not really customizable, but choosing from 1 prompt (with just one line, without name, etc) to 40 prompt Java applets) applets (just the code). Like this:


- (More speech) Allow more prompts a time

- (More speech) Allow users to make their profile, allows users to submit speech without filling in their information every time they do a speech submission.

Mail me when you're back, the school is now beginning, now do I have pretty much time. (I also help VoxForge because of school, the latest year of the high scool we have to make a big "profielwerkstuk", I write with another guy about Artificial Intelligence, both we have to spend at least 80 hours on that paper, and I want to incorporate open source speech recognition in our program (we have now an Eliza-like commandline program, and it can handle emoticons, maybe that results later in a clutter-toolkit interface to make that expressions visible) .)


Re: Dutch website about speech recognition.
User: dano
Date: 8/19/2008 1:02 am
Views: 179
Rating: 22
(url is now http://spraakherkenning.googlepages.com/nederlandsespraak )
Re: Dutch website about speech recognition.
User: kmaclean
Date: 8/23/2008 11:55 am
Views: 157
Rating: 19

Hi Daniël,

>What, do you think, is the best way to workaround this issue?

>nl.voxforge.org, voxforge.org/nl/<page>, voxforge.org/<page>_nl, use a

>other CMS, or do you have an other solution

voxforge.org/nl/<page> is the easiest to support with WebGUI right now, though it can create some content management headaches.

With respect to switching CMS's - I've flipped/flopped many times over what to do...

I prefer Plone over Drupal - essentially because it is Python-based (if I am going to learn a new scripting language, I'd prefer Python over PHP - which is what Drupal is written in), and I like the idea of using an application server (Plone uses the Zope application server), to ease the development of new applications.

But the idea of switching to another CMS is a whole lot of work that does not move speech recognition any further...

I have one idea/approach with respect to adding some rudimentary multilingual support in WebGUI that might work.  Needs to be tested...

>- (More speech / more different speech) Spreading the Java applet to

>other sites by giving customizable applets (just the code).

Interesting idea, I'll add this to Trac.

But I am not sure if Java supports this... I had to hack some things to get the VoxForge Speech Submission Java app, which is based on another server, to look like it is hosted on this server (using WebGUI's proxy feature).  Java only allows file uploads to the server where the Java app resides.

>- (More speech) Allow more prompts a time

see ticket 368

>Allow users to make their profile, allows users to submit speech without

>filling in their information every time they do a speech submission.

see ticket 181


Re: Dutch website about speech recognition.
User: Visitor
Date: 8/23/2008 2:06 pm
Views: 172
Rating: 22
-You can already use the code from VoxForge to use the Speech Submission Applet, for example the Dutch code: 
<applet mayscript="mayscript" style="border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153, 153);" name="VoxForge.org Speech Submission Application" code="speechrecorder/RecorderApplet.class" width="850" height="980"><param value="http://read.voxforge1.org/r0_1_4/" name="codebase"><param value="speechrecorder.jar" name="archive"><param value="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4" name="type"><param value="true" name="scriptable"><param value="http://read.voxforge1.org/r0_1_4/javaUploadServer.php" name="destination"><param value="http://spraakherkenning.googlepages.com/bedankt!" name="endpage"><param value="" name="cookie"><param value="NL" name="language"><table style="background-color: rgb(255, 195, 1);" width="550" border="1" height="24"><tbody><tr><td> The VoxForge Speech Submission Applet should appear here. Please see the VoxForge <a color="ffffff" href="http://www.voxforge.org/home/read2/java">Java Troubleshooting Guide</a> to determine if you have Java installed on your PC - this is required in order to use the audio recorder.<br></td></tr></tbody></table></applet>
so that isn't the problem, it has to be placed on the website in order to provide webmasters a easy way to add it to their site.
- I looked already one time to the applet, in the main script there was a variable with the number of prompts. Compiling and hosting maybe 4 different applets (1, 10, 20, 50 maybe) with the size of around 1 mb seems good to me. Maybe the 1-prompt applet should have no fields in order to reduce the used space.
Re: Dutch website about speech recognition.
User: Visitor
Date: 8/23/2008 2:45 pm
Views: 186
Rating: 18

Btw I tested it on http://spraakherkenning.googlepages.com/nederlandsespraak and it worked (it appeared on the list  that has to be processed).

Re: Dutch website about speech recognition.
User: dano
Date: 8/25/2008 6:32 am
Views: 162
Rating: 23
Btw, did you make me admin, as I have a link to "Turn Admin On".