
Acoustic model in Sphinx 4
User: Quioz
Date: 1/7/2008 9:08 am
Views: 19473
Rating: 46


I found your Dutch acoustic model on this site and wondered if it can be used also in the java environment of Sphinx 4. I tried to convert the Dutch acoustic model to Sphinx 4 following the steps described here http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/sphinx4/doc/UsingSphinxTrainModels.html

I'm not sure this works. Has anyone ever tried to use the acoustic model in Sphinx 4 or is it only usable in Sphinx 3?

Re: Acoustic model in Sphinx 4
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/7/2008 11:25 am
Views: 494
Rating: 47

Hi Quioz 

>I'm not sure this works. Has anyone ever tried to use the acoustic model in Sphinx 4 or is it only usable in Sphinx 3?

I have not tried it.  nsh would be the best person to answer your question - he created the acoustic models you are asking about. 

Regardless, this page on the Sphinx4 site seems to indicate that you should be able to do it:

Currently, Sphinx-4 uses models created with SphinxTrain, also available at cmusphinx.org. SphinxTrain generates acoustic models in the format used by Sphinx-3. To create a package as used by Sphinx-4, please check the page about using SphinxTrain models.


Re: Acoustic model in Sphinx 4
User: nsh
Date: 1/12/2008 5:45 pm
Views: 1283
Rating: 50
Hm, I missed this one, sorry. It should work with a proper config. Just ask if you have problems
Re: Acoustic model in Sphinx 4
User: HÃ¥kan
Date: 9/10/2009 4:15 am
Views: 223
Rating: 21

Can anyone please tell me how i can use Sphinx4 for free speech recognition in the case of large vocabulary? I have been succesfuly runing the demos, but they are just demos. and limited to digits or specific sentences. which file in the Sphinx4 package i will have to run in order to do speech recognition where the user is allowed to say anything.

your help will be highly appreciated,


Re: Acoustic model in Sphinx 4
User: nsh
Date: 9/10/2009 10:20 am
Views: 476
Rating: 22

Please take a look at Evaldictator project:


Also you need to read Programmers Manual and configuration files in sphinx4/performance/hub4. I hope that helps.


Re: Acoustic model in Sphinx 4
User: alberto buschettu
Date: 10/12/2009 6:48 am
Views: 5267
Rating: 23

Install SphinxTrain. Look at SphinxTrainDirectory/doc/tinydoc.txt

 for new speech training.

You can obtain mixture_variance, means, transition_matrices, variance  and *.mdef (and *.dic ) file needed by sphinx4 to make a new demo.

