
Voice recordings are not showing
User: Natalia (CESGA)
Date: 4/22/2014 8:27 am
Views: 4878
Rating: 6


We made several contributions to the Spanish model but they do not appear in the listing/downloads section.

Are they approved by some kind of manual mechanism? For how long do we have to wait for them to appear in the repository?. 

Kind regards,




Re: Voice recordings are not showing
User: lector
Date: 1/11/2015 4:48 pm
Views: 321
Rating: 3

Same happened to me... It seems that the spanish contribution requires some sort of manual intervention from an administrator... But I'm just guessing.

By the way, CESGA? CEntro de Supercomputacion de GAlicia? Just curious.

Re: Voice recordings are not showing
User: Federico Prat
Date: 2/20/2015 2:52 pm
Views: 154
Rating: 2

Same here! And lack of response is not a great incentive for keeping on contributing. :(

Re: Voice recordings are not showing
User: kmaclean
Date: 2/21/2015 1:20 pm
Views: 1622
Rating: 3

>Same here! And lack of response is not a great incentive for keeping on

>contributing. :(

cross posted from here

