
Can Someone help me to install voxforge in Raspberry pi2?
User: hiddenotebook
Date: 9/9/2016 4:44 am
Views: 4560
Rating: 0
Hi I'm using voxforge on Ubuntu with Julius but I install it by:

sudo apt-get install julius-voxforge

But on my raspberry with raspbian jessie
it is not in the repositories. So can someone point me to the right path

I dont know were to start : (

Thank you very much.
Re: Can Someone help me to install voxforge in Raspberry pi2?
User: colbec
Date: 9/9/2016 1:48 pm
Views: 4
Rating: 0

I'm sure you will get lots of responses on this issue, but mine would be not to install voxforge on the raspberry unless you absolutely have no choice for some special reason. We use the Voxforge utilities for the purpose of generating language and audio models. There is significant number crunching going on here particularly as you increase the vocabulary and the number of voice samples to be processed. This calls for a big machine. The numbers are just numbers, they can be generated on the fastest machine that you have, then once you have completed all the major testing and finalized your models, move them on to the small machine. All Julius needs to see is the final models, not the intermediate work.

The one thing to watch for in my experience is that if you will be using the audio hardware inputs of the RPi for commands to make sure that in your audio prompt collection you have good representation of audio collected on that system.

Re: Can Someone help me to install voxforge in Raspberry pi2?
User: hiddenotebook
Date: 9/9/2016 5:52 pm
Views: 2062
Rating: 0

Thank you for this good advice understood 

I wanted to install it because I want to use the mediaplayer example. I'm learning programing so i'm not very good with this.

I will try to use the example by another way.

Thaks I really appreciate it
