
Approach to Spanish speaker-dependent model
User: colbec
Date: 4/24/2012 7:45 am
Views: 2318
Rating: 13

Hola compañeros/as lingüísticos/as:

I have had a bit of success in building a speaker-dependent model in Spanish following the Voxforge auto process using HTK/Julius. I have detailed some of the problems I ran into on a blog at

The approach is that of a non-native Spanish speaker with some experience building English models and transferring those to Spanish as best I can. It does not try to recreate the Voxforge process which is already very clear and concise.

The blog entries are posted in the hope that others will find them useful. However it is the point of view of a non-native so really it needs someone with better knowledge to review and point out any errors before I lead others astray. If anyone has a moment to scan it, I would be appreciate it. You can either send me comments directly via email, reply here, or comment on the blog. Up to you. Thanks.
