
Aplicacion basica con voxforge+pocketsphinx
User: thomas
Date: 9/17/2011 9:09 pm
Views: 5978
Rating: 13

Hola que tal,quiero hacer una aplicacion basica con pocketsphinx y los modelos acusticos de voxforge,en c++,que reconozca lo que digo y lo muestre en pantalla sin hacer nada.

El compilador que uso es Code::Block por si me quieren pasar el proyecto completo;y mi mail es [email protected] por si me quieren enviar algo...

Muchas gracias!!!Tongue out

Re: Aplicacion basica con voxforge+pocketsphinx
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/26/2011 7:25 pm
Views: 339
Rating: 15

Google translate:

Hello that such, I have a basic application and pocketsphinxvoxforge acoustic models in c + +, to recognize what I say andshow it on screen without doing anything.
The compiler I use is Code:: Block in case I want to spend theentire project, and my mail is [email protected]by if they want me to send something ...
Thank you very much!

Not sure I can tell what you are saying here... it seems like you have created a dialog manager using c++ and pocketsphinx.  

Do you want people to email you for a copy of the code?


Re: Aplicacion basica con voxforge+pocketsphinx
User: dhwk665
Date: 11/2/2011 2:09 am
Views: 367
Rating: 14

Hi, he more likely mean:

"Hello what's up, i want to make a basic application using voxforge acoustic models with pocketsphinx, which might be able to recognize what i say and show it on screen without doing anything else.

My current compiler (sic, more likely an IDE) is Code::Blocks if you want to send me a complete project; my mail is [email protected].

Thank you so much Tongue out"


kinda asking for an application instead of distributing copies.

btw: if anyone has been able to get working pocketsphinxs with spanish models please let me know, thanks.

Re: Aplicacion basica con voxforge+pocketsphinx
User: thomas
Date: 12/30/2011 4:32 pm
Views: 153
Rating: 15

Exact!I want to make a basic application!


si puedes hacer una aplicacion en ingles, puedes cambiar la base de datos a alguna aproximada que tiene VoxForge, y entrenarla (con grabaciones de lectura de libros...)


if you can make an application in English, you can change the database that has somerough VoxForge, and train (with recordings of reading books ...)

Re: Aplicacion basica con voxforge+pocketsphinx
User: thomas
Date: 12/30/2011 4:35 pm
Views: 1783
Rating: 14

voy a volver a postearlo mejor...
