
Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: Visitor
Date: 7/1/2013 2:56 pm
Views: 51
Rating: 2

Hi All,

I was wondering what needs to be done to add Arabic as a supported language. I did some translation on

but still haven't worked on the prompts. What I wanted to ask is, if I completed the translation will Arabic be added as a supported language or something else needs to be done ?

Also, why do we need to translate the prompts ? Can't every language have it own set of prompts?

Best regards,

Ahmed Toulan.

Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/1/2013 6:59 pm
Views: 641
Rating: 2

Hi Ahmed,

>Also, why do we need to translate the prompts ? Can't every language have it own set of prompts?

yes, it is actually better to have your own set of prompts.

This post shows what  is required for translation of the website and submission applet: SpeechSubmission Java Applet Localization


Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: Visitor
Date: 5/26/2014 9:22 pm
Views: 6031
Rating: 0

Hi All,

I was wondering what needs to be done to add Arabic as a supported language. I did some translation on

but still haven't worked on the prompts. What I wanted to ask is, if I completed the translation will Arabic be added as a supported language or something else needs to be done ?

Also, why do we need to translate the prompts ? Can't every language have it own set of prompts?

Best regards,

Ahmed Toulan.
