
Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: thelinuxer
Date: 1/25/2010 12:11 pm
Views: 19523
Rating: 8

Hi All,

I was wondering what needs to be done to add Arabic as a supported language. I did some translation on

but still haven't worked on the prompts. What I wanted to ask is, if I completed the translation will Arabic be added as a supported language or something else needs to be done ?

Also, why do we need to translate the prompts ? Can't every language have it own set of prompts?

Best regards,

Ahmed Toulan.

Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/26/2010 9:51 pm
Views: 92
Rating: 11

Hi Ahmed,

>I did some translation on


Thank you!

>What I wanted to ask is, if I completed the translation will Arabic be added

>as a supported language


Please let me know when you are completed, because I don't go to the Ubuntu Launchpad site too often.

>Also, why do we need to translate the prompts ? Can't every language

>have it own set of prompts?

No need to translate the English prompts... just create your own, or use a Public Domain text (or GPL compatible license).

Please break up each prompt line in 15-25 word sentences, at a natural pause.  We can start with 100-200 prompt lines, and see how things go from there.  Try to use words that are representative of all the main sounds (phonemes) in Arabic.


Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/27/2010 8:16 am
Views: 107
Rating: 9

This paper: Investigation Arabic Speech Recognition Using CMU Sphinx System contains a list of phonemes for the Arabic language.

Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: Visitor
Date: 1/30/2010 2:08 pm
Views: 476
Rating: 8

Thanks guys I will get to work and notify you of any changes. Thanks again.

Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: mmm
Date: 6/12/2010 7:25 pm
Views: 79
Rating: 8

is that mean,that I will use corresponding  letters and sounds in english? instead of  use arabic as writing

Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/14/2010 8:11 am
Views: 916
Rating: 9

>use corresponding  letters and sounds in english?

HTK/Julius don't understand arabic lettering for phone representations, but you can use arabic words in your pronunciation dictionary, so the arabic word will get displayed for your user.

Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: jooan
Date: 4/13/2013 6:52 pm
Views: 251
Rating: 1

Hallo Ken,

I am just finished from the translation. what is the next step.



Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/14/2013 7:57 pm
Views: 301
Rating: 1

>I am just finished from the translation. what is the next step.

Hi Jooan,

thanks for helping finish translating the voxforge submission applet!

(VoxForge launchpad translations site for Arabic)

we still need:

  • a minimum of 50 Arabic prompts for users to record (something that is public domain or GPL compatible, or just make up some common phrases that cover most of the sounds in the Arabic language);
  • translations to the introduction text for the speech submission applet.

see SpeechSubmission Java Applet Localization page for more info,



Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: jooan
Date: 4/16/2013 1:08 pm
Views: 301
Rating: 1

there are so many audio book in arabic with its transcriptions. can't we add and make the acostic model from them?

I don't know where to bring arabic promts from. can't we bring free interresting book and make people read it so that it will not be a boaring task?

Re: Can we add Arabic to the supported languages ?
User: jooan
Date: 4/16/2013 2:03 pm
Views: 770
Rating: 3

Hier is the translation. it seems not orgenized because arabic is from left to right.

usernamePanelLabel = "اسم المستخدم:";
         usernamePanelText = " (إترك الحقل خاليا للتبرع بشكل مجهول) ";
         copyrightName = " مؤسسة البرمجيات الحرة ";
         gplAccepted = "نعم";
         pleaseSelect = " الرجاء الاختيار ";
         notApplicable = "مجهول";
         genderPanelLabel = "الجنس:";
         genderSelection = new String [3];
         genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;  
         genderSelection[1] = "ذكر";   
         genderSelection[2] = "أنثى";
         ageRangePanelLabel = "الفئة العمرية:";
         ageSelection = new String [4];
         ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; 
         ageSelection[1] = "طفل"; 
         ageSelection[2] = "بالغ";
         ageSelection[3] = "راشد";
         dialectPanelLabel = "لهجة النطق";
         dialectSelection = new String [9];
         dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;   
         dialectSelection[1] = "العربية الفصحى";   
         microphonePanelLabel = "نوع الميكروفون:";
         microphoneSelection = new String [9];
         microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; 
         microphoneSelection[1] = "سماعة رأس";   
         microphoneSelection[2] = "سماعة رأس موصلة بال USB";  
         microphoneSelection[3] = "مكروفون سطح المكتب boom"; 
         microphoneSelection[4] = "مكروفون سطح مكتب USB Boom"; 
         microphoneSelection[5] = "ميكروفون المدمج للحاسوب المحمول";
         microphoneSelection[6] = "مكروفون الويب كام";     
         microphoneSelection[7] = "ميكروفون الاستوديو";
         microphoneSelection[8] = "غير ذلك";
         uploadText = "<html>By clicking the \"Upload\" button, you agree to assign the Copyright to your recorded speech to <br> "
            + "the Free Software Foundation, and to license your submission under the GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ;
         uploadText = "<html> بضغطك لزر \" تحميل \" ، أنت توافق على أن تتحول ملكية تسجيلاتك الكلامية إلى <br>"

            + "GNU مؤسسة البرمجيات الحرة، وترخيص ما بعثته تحت الرخصة جي إن يو العمومية (\"GPL\")"

uploadButtonLabel = "تحميل";
         moreInfoText = "لمزيد من العلومات عن حقوق النسخ و رخصة GPL، إنقر هنا:";
         moreInfoButtonLabel = "مزيد من المعلومات";   
         disclaimerText =
            "<html>VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007 VoxForge<br>"
            +"هذا البرنامج يأتي بدون ضمان؛ حتى بدون المضان التطبيقي <br>  "
            +"<br> لتفاصيل أكثر أضغط على زر "عن البرنامج"";
         aboutButtonLabel = "عن البرنامج";
         recordButton = "سجل";
         stopButton = "أوقف";
         playButton = "شغل";
         peakWarningLabel =  "تحذير: يحتمل أن يكون الصوت عال جدا";
         sampleGraphFileLabel = " ملف:  ";
         sampleGraphLengthLabel = "  الطول: ";
         sampleGraphPositionLabel ="  الموضع: ";           uploadingMessageLabel = "تحميل...";
         uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "تم الإكمال شكراً لتبرعك!!";
