
Hebrew status now?
User: eyal
Date: 3/29/2008 2:37 pm
Views: 4444
Rating: 31

Hi ken, Offir,

I'd like to help but unfortunately I can't find the way . . .

I'm definitely sure, generating a new Hebrew  submissions  / Acoustic Models wouldn't  be a wise because as I saw, too much time invested at current Hebrew submissions / Acoustic Model.


I'd like to further the  Hebrew submissions/Acoustic Model!


  1. Can I help?  
  2. Is someone today managing the Hebrew submissions/Acoustic Model?
  3. What is the current Hebrew Acoustic Model status (2008-03-29)?
  4.  Is it possible to implement the Hebrew Acoustic Model?




Re: Hebrew status now?
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/29/2008 10:50 pm
Views: 721
Rating: 37

Hi Eyal,

> Can I help?  


>Is someone today managing the Hebrew submissions/Acoustic Model?

Offir provided translations for the speech submission app.  So that deals with the collection of speech.  To create an Acoustic Model, the next step is the creation of a pronunciation dictionary (see Step 2 of the VoxForge Tutorial; one of my posts on this thread provides additional information).  

If you are interested in helping out, a pronunciation dictionary would be a good task to complete.

>What is the current Hebrew Acoustic Model status (2008-03-29)?

There is no Hebrew acoustic model.

We are only at the very beginning.  Translations for the Java speech submission application is the first step.  Next is the creation of a pronunciation dictionary.

> Is it possible to implement the Hebrew Acoustic Model?

Yes, but you need a few hours of speech and a pronunciation dictionary to create a monophone acoustic model.


