
Hebrew Acoustic Model - As follow to Ken reccomendation - Error at step 10
User: eyal
Date: 6/10/2008 9:37 am
Views: 6357
Rating: 8


Hi Ken,
I try to run hebrew Acoustic Model follow by the tutorial since step 2 (as you already recommended . . .) to step 10.
I tried to append the follow new Hebrew words (As copied from dict file).

ARBA            [ARBA]          aa r b ax sp
EFES            [EFES]          ih f eh s sp
EKHAD           [EKHAD]         ih hh ax d sp
EYAL            [EYAL]          eh y ax l sp
HALAKHUT        [HALAHUT]       hh ae l ae hh uh t sp
HATEMPERATURA   [HATEMPERATURA] hh ae t eh m p eh r ae t uh r ae sp
KHAMESH         [KHAMESH]       hh ae m eh sh sp
KHAYEG          [KHAYEG]        hh ae y eh g sp
LIAV            [LIAV]          l ih ae v sp
MA              [MA]            m aa sp
SENT-END        []              sil
SENT-START      []              sil
SHALOSH         [SHALOSH]       sh ae l ao sh sp
SHESH           [SHESH]         sh eh sh sp
SHEVA           [SHEVA]         sh eh v ae sp
SHMONE          [SHMONE]        sh m ao n eh sp
SHTAYM          [SHTAYM]        sh t ae y ih m sp
SIGI            [SIGI]          s ih g ih sp
STAV            [STAV]          s t ae v sp
TESHA           [TESHA]         t eh sh ae h sp
YAHAV           [YAHAV]         y ae hh ae v sp

til step 10 it looked just fine.
But . . . I stuched at step 10 when I run the command, I quote:

HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1

As you can see, the stucking point is "ERROR [+2662]  FindProtoModel: no proto for k in hSet"

TB 350.00 ST_h_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   h[4] : 1  have LogL=-49.533 occ=16.7

 Via     h[4] : 1 gives LogL=-49.533 occ=16.7

 End     h[4] : 1 gives LogL=-49.533 occ=16.7

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 261->72 [27.6%] total }

TR 1
 Adjusting trace level

AU fulllist
 Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones
  ERROR [+2662]  FindProtoModel: no proto for k in hSet
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HHEd

Could you please help me to get over the error?

HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1


Re: Hebrew Acoustic Model - As follow to Ken reccomendation - Error at step 10
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/11/2008 1:54 pm
Views: 575
Rating: 8

Hi Eyal,

Step 10 requires the creation of a tree.hed script which contains language specific "Questions".   I've never had to create my own tree.hed script.

For more information on how to create a tree.hed file for a new language, see the following links:

See also the HTK manual

You should be able to use the monophone acoustic models you created in Step 8 (located hmm9) of the tutorial, and using monophones1 rather than tiedlist.  Note: you likely won't get as good recognition as with triphone acoustic models.

