General Discussion

Use Julius and jcontrol in a client-server speech recognition
User: calel
Date: 9/5/2012 9:01 am
Views: 7154
Rating: 12

Hello, i'm new in speech recognition tecnology..

I'm italian student and work for University of Unisannio. 

I'm working on the realization of a speech recognition tool, to facilitate the attendance of courses to students hearing.

The core of my project is Julius 4.1.3 ..

tell me someone would know how to use jcontrol, adintool and Julius in server mode?

If i run Julius with this line (windows):

julius-4.1.3 -input mic -C config.jconf -module

on server, and jclient with this line (windows):

jcontrol.exe ip_of_server

each process run, but.. The recognition is detected on server's microphone!

I serve the development from the client's microphone.

If i run Julius with this line:

julius-4.1.3 -C config.jconf -module

And jcontrol with line:

jcontrol.exe ip_of_server

Each process run and the connection is estabilished, but no computation is done (no recognition).

I have see more material on internet and I understand I have to use adintool to manipulate stream of data between jclient and Julius..

Can anyone suggest a tutorial, or show me some example code?

Thanks in advance for the time you have dedicated to me!


Re: Use Julius and jcontrol in a client-server speech recognition
User: calel
Date: 9/6/2012 6:26 am
Views: 932
Rating: 15


If you wont to use client for voice input-recognition text, and server to elaborate speech recognition, you have to run Julius, jcontrol and adintool so:

1- Start Julius (on server computer):

julius-4.1.3 -C conf.jconf -input adinnet -module

for completeness, conf.jconf contain:

## Grammar definition file (DFA and dictionary)

-dfa demo.dfa

-v demo.dict

## Acoustic HMM file

-h hmm15/hmmdefs

## HMMList that maps logical triphone to physical ones.

-hlist tiedlist

-smpFreq 48000

2- Run jcontrol (on client computer):
jcontrol.exe ip_of_server
3- Run adintool (on client computer):
adintool -in mic -out adinet -server ip_of_server
practically if you have to realize a speech recognition single client-server, you must run this 3 process, with this option actived..
Julius elaborates input wave data fron adintool client and sends output text to jcontrol.
Jcontrol print result on a shell..
Thanks anyway C. 


Re: Use Julius and jcontrol in a client-server speech recognition
User: Visitor
Date: 3/2/2015 4:20 am
Views: 2278
Rating: 2

I have managed to run Julius in server mode. How did you run the client mode please? I tried ./jcontrol but it did not work.
