General Discussion

One word recognition
User: chrigu
Date: 3/31/2014 1:53 am
Views: 9925
Rating: 5


for a project in an exhibiton i have to develop an application wich is able to recognize one single word (two sylab, a name). This word will be spoken be visitors: many different voices, different languages, different pronunciation.

I have 20 recordings from different peaple. 

I want to do it with sphinx (and maybe additionally blather).

What are your recommendation for this task:

- used dictonary

- training

- how to avaoid false positives (is negativ trainig possible?)


thanks in advance and greetings

Christian Schweingruber


Re: One word recognition
User: nsh
Date: 3/31/2014 2:05 am
Views: 789
Rating: 6



For the competent help on CMUSphinx it's better to use CMUSphinx forums.


> for a project in an exhibiton i have to develop an application wich is able to recognize one single word (two sylab, a name). This word will be spoken be visitors: many different voices, different languages, different pronunciation.

For reliable recognition you need 3 syllables, something like "ok google". With 2 syllables detection will not be reliable. You can add something like "ok" to your name

> I have 20 recordings from different peaple. 

Great, you can use them for testing

> I want to do it with sphinx (and maybe additionally blather).

Current development pocketsphinx supports keyword spotting mode, which is exactly what you need. Checkout pocketsphinx from trunk and try pocketsphinx_kws. You can specify keyword with -kws option

> What are your recommendation for this task: used dictonary

Our most accurate model Generic en-us should be good.

> training

Not needed

> how to avaoid false positives (is negativ trainig possible?)

You need to tune keyword spotting threshold on your specific keyphrase (-kws_threshold value)


Re: One word recognition
User: calel
Date: 3/31/2014 8:01 am
Views: 1506
Rating: 4


you can use Julian.. Here tutorial:

Very fast speech engine, based on Julius ;-)

Have a nice day


Re: One word recognition
User: Vim
Date: 3/29/2016 10:58 am
Views: 3895
Rating: 0

Did you get this working? :) :)
