General Discussion

Hindi Language Thread
User: chip_maker
Date: 12/25/2014 12:58 pm
Views: 6279
Rating: 3

Hi, I am recently diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel syndrome. I can speak English very well and live in Santa Clara, USA. I can also pay for Speech-recognition softwares. However since now I understand the suffering of disabled engineers, educated people around the world, I would like to use and improve open/cheaper alternatives to speech recognition as much as possible.Windows speech recognition is not that good to dictate. Hence I would like to support alternate speech recognition softwares as much as possible. Would it be possible to start a hindi language thread here on forums? Also would it be possible to interact with Indian tech institutes like IIT, IISc, RECs etc and ask them to contribute to Speech corpus? I am sure they would participate as it helps disabled people. (Though Hindi is most spoken, the south-indian languages like Tamil, Kannada, Telugu could also be chosen), Regards, Kal Gandikota

Re: Hindi Language Thread
User: srivmuk
Date: 12/31/2014 3:23 am
Views: 2979
Rating: 3

YES, you can follow - "ASLabs Inc" work @ .

Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015..!!


