Acoustic Model Discussions

Where is the STEP 11
User: royerfa
Date: 2/29/2008 9:11 am
Views: 4317
Rating: 15


I would like to ask where is the step 11 from the HTKbook.

For me who as a very bad recognition, I think it is important to know  if it comes from the hmm or not !!

When I write the first command of the step 11, HVIte he tells me that I have a problem of Target. Can you explain the difference between MFFC_0 and MFCC_D_N_Z_0 ???

An over question is why the promp in the tutorial doesn't always correspond to the grammar?



Re: Where is the STEP 11
User: kmaclean
Date: 2/29/2008 10:55 am
Views: 409
Rating: 41

Hi royerfa,

>I would like to ask where is the step 11 from the HTKbook.

look here: Testing Your Acoustic Model with HTK & Julius

>Can you explain the difference between MFFC_0 and MFCC_D_N_Z_0 ???

see this post MFCC_D_N_Z_0 format

see also the HTK book: 5.10.1 HTK Format Parameter Files.

>An over question is why the promp in the tutorial doesn't always correspond to the grammar?

read the Background section in Step 2 - Pronunciation Dictionnary of the tutorial.

