Speech Recognition in the News

Starship Commander - Speech Recognition powered Virtual Reality game
User: kmaclean
Date: 2/10/2017 8:45 am
Views: 3270
Rating: 0

From Human Interact's website:

Human Interact's first game: Starship Commander

Starship Commander is a virtual reality title driven by human speech. The audience is given agency in the middle of a sci-fi story, as part of a military embroiled in a dark intergalactic war. You’re in command of a secretive mission, and your decisions have deadly consequences.

The site has a very cool trailer, showing how you can command your very own ship like Captain Kirk.

Speech recognition and understanding is supplied by Microsoft's Custom Speech Service, a new speech service that lets you create customized acoustic and language models... Looks like Open Source has had it right all along, because we've always known that customized acoustic and language models work best for users...
