Speech Recognition Engines

Very new to Vox ( Voice Commands )
User: asmgx
Date: 10/10/2010 4:27 am
Views: 5301
Rating: 1


I want to do a small application that user has list of options (calculator, notepad, shutdown, etc)

so when user speak one of these words computer will perform an action based on these voice commands


i am very new on this voice development

is this doable using Julius? and how?

how can start? where can i found examples and totrials?


--- (Edited on 10/10/2010 4:27 am [GMT-0500] by asmgx) ---

Re: Very new to Vox ( Voice Commands )
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/16/2010 11:06 am
Views: 2298
Rating: 2

>computer will perform an action based on these voice commands

Simon is a excellent front-end (dialog manager) to Julius.

Other examples can be found here


--- (Edited on 10/16/2010 11:06 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
