Speech Recognition Engines

using FDLP features instead of MFCC..
User: Naresh
Date: 9/19/2015 9:21 am
Views: 2164
Rating: 0

Hai guys i am trying to use FDLP 39D features instead of MFCC ..i changed the proto targetkind to USER.Still i am getting this error plz someone help me.I got results with MFCC but while using FDLP i got this error.

ERROR [+6313]  OpenParmChannel: cannot read HTK Header in File ../feat/mfcc/train/m43_2_4.htk

  ERROR [+6313]  OpenAsChannel: OpenParmChannel failed

  ERROR [+6316]  OpenBuffer: OpenAsChannel failed

  ERROR [+2050]  LoadFile: Config parameters invalid

 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HCompV

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