Speech Recognition Engines

understanding Languague Model file
User: nguyenhuutinh
Date: 7/4/2010 11:06 pm
Views: 5012
Rating: 5

I already use Language Model Tookits from CMU

but  can anyone help me to understand the struture of result file (.lm)

example: -2.99    /S    2.99

I need to understand struture of this file because i want to make the same file in Individual Word Model .

If you have any formula of languague model . please tell me.

Thanks so much

--- (Edited on 7/4/2010 11:06 pm [GMT-0500] by nguyenhuutinh) ---

Re: understanding Languague Model file
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/5/2010 10:55 am
Views: 2239
Rating: 5

>I already use Language Model Tookits from CMU

best place to ask is on the Sphinx Forums

--- (Edited on 7/5/2010 11:55 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
