Speech Recognition Engines

the issue bigram model for recognition part
User: maya
Date: 5/18/2015 3:01 am
Views: 4455
Rating: 1

Hi, all,

     Recently,I  try to research about voice recognize with HTK.

First,I already learned through network file to do recognition by HVite.Now I try to use bigram to do recognition for getting higer acurracy,but I have no idea which instruction and method I can try. As far as I know,it can't use bigram by HVite to recognition,right? Hope someone can help me!!!




--- (Edited on 5/18/2015 3:01 am [GMT-0500] by maya) ---

Re: the issue bigram model for recognition part
User: Praiseworthy
Date: 3/17/2017 6:20 pm
Views: 1793
Rating: 0


I have the same problem as you, did you found a solution ? thanks in advance.

--- (Edited on 3/17/2017 6:20 pm [GMT-0500] by ) ---
