Speech Recognition Engines

Speaker adaptation
User: sritha
Date: 5/25/2009 6:49 am
Views: 4382
Rating: 6


    I doing speaker adaptation project plz any one how to adapt sphinx system can help to me.

sphinx_fe `cat wsj1/feat.params` -samprate 16000 -c arctic20.listoffiles -di . -do . -ei raw -eo mfc -raw yes

where we run this command . I am using cygwin tool.

that is sphinxbase>$ or not .

--- (Edited on 5/25/2009 6:49 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: Speaker adaptation
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/10/2009 1:10 pm
Views: 1884
Rating: 6

> that is sphinxbase>$ or not .

I don't understand what you are asking ...


--- (Edited on 6/10/2009 2:10 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
